Hi! So the problem is when I configure wifi hotspot using hostapd, isc-dhcp-server, and ifupdown, I'm able to start the AP, connect to it, and ping. However, the moment any device connects to the AP the serial console gets spammed with this message around once a second:
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev wlan0
This happens on the unofficial Armbian build (from the Armbian OrangePi Zero3 page), DietPi, and the official OrangePi Debian build.
The wireless band doesn't matter.
Kernel version: 6.1.31-sun50iw9.
I tried to set up the AP with NetworkManager, but couldn't manage to connect to it. Probably DHCP issues that I couldn't resolve.
I haven't run the AP for a prolonged period, only like 1hour. So I'm not sure if this has any effect on the performance and stability.
Could somebody suggest if this is something to worry about or just a harmless warning?