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  1. @voapilro I can offer to help but I might not be able to help at the speed you desire; it might take me a few days to have time to offer some patches. You may find that if you power on the board a number of times you will observe correct and incorrect memory counts, and having an approximate percentage of how often it's wrong would be interesting. My direction of attack would be to look at the vendor BSP and check what's different between the 1.5GB build they offer and the build for 1GB/2GB/4GB. The difference should provide a clue to what might need patched and whether something might be missing from the Armbian patch collection. (Out of interest have you tried the vendor build, and if so does it exhibit the same problem? Does it fail with the same percentage?) I'm not working directly in Armbian with the Orange Pi Zero 3 but have been working on a yocto layer which incorporates patches collated by @Nick A.
  2. I have just tested this and HDMI audio works for me on my Orange Pi Zero 3 4GB.
  3. I've signed up as a donator. Thanks for all of the hard work on the Orange Pi Zero 3. I've mentioned this over on #linux-sunxi where I also hang out, so apologies for what is something of a cross-post: If I understand correctly, the efforts to create mainline patches for audio over HDMI is a work in progress. I'm currently making do with the Xunlong Linux Fork to get a project going. For me at least, I do have audio over HDMI working fine with the drivers therein, but only on my Philips monitor - I just get silence on my Samsung TV. I thought this would be a good problem to troubleshoot as a way to learn about Linux drivers, even although the Xunlong fork isn't fit to be merged upstream. At least if I get some proficiency in driver hacking I might be able to contribute to the effort here. I'm going to start hacking at the Xunlong drivers and see if I can solve my problem and if I learn anything useful I'll post it here and over at #linux-sunxi.
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