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Everything posted by classman

  1. What I did is: df -h to see the space used for "/var/log" Then I went to "/var/log" and ran: sudo du -ha | grep 'G'; sudo du -ha | grep '[0-9][0-9][0-9]M' (Im lazy and the 'G' will return folders or logs with the letter 'G' as well) This will show you which files are bigger than 999MB and which files are bigger than 99MB. After seeing that "/var/log/dpkg.log" was not the problem, for me it was "daemon.log" , I decided to erase all of the February entries on that log, since there were a lot of entries from when I was setting something up. (Junk) sudo sed -i '/^Feb/d' daemon.log And finally (I want to say Im a novice linux user, so I dont know if this is recommended) I deleted the zipped (.gz) old logs that Im sure that I don't need.
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