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  1. It's the same as the CB1 module: https://www.armbian.com/bigtreetech-cb1/ (Maybe hold off on buying it just yet as the BIGTREETECH Pi v2 is about to come out with some nice features like onboard M.2 support) https://imgur.com/MmUZ6NV https://imgur.com/GhTwwaP
  2. Is there a way to download and run the script from the command line? Sorry, ignore that. just used git to clone the github cd into the folder and used bash armbian-gaming.sh
  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to help (and NicoD's SBCs I love your videos, they are what got me into playing with SBC's). So to expand on this, is emulation an option, or is the CB1 module just too lacking did some Googling and seems like RetroPie is not an option.
  4. Hello, very now to Linux and Armbian and have a BIGTREETECH PAD 7 (a BIGTREETECH CB1 with built in screen https://github.com/bigtreetech/Pad7/blob/master/BIGTREETECH Pad 7 v1.0 User Manual.pdf ). I would really like to be able to run old-school Doom on it and was wondering if someone could tell me if it is possible, and then point me in the right direction of a noob-friendly tutorial if it is possible. Thank you for taking the time to read.
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