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  1. Hello, I tried the new desktop image and it boots nicely off an SD card, I haven' tried my nvme drive yet. The desktop user experience is very smooth, so well done to everyone who made this work! The ethernet port works well, but unfortunately wifi and bluetooth does not work at all, I do not even see a wifi interface if I use "ip a" (but loopback and ethernet show up). Is this a case of a missing driver in Ambian? How do I add the missing driver? Wifi and bluetooth works under debian (as provided by Radxa), so I ran "sudo lshw -C network" under debian and get the output below: description: Wireless interface physical id: a logical name: wlan0 serial: 98:03:cf:d2:32:7c capabilities: ethernet physical wireless configuration: broadcast=yes driver=aicwf_sdio driverversion=5.10.160-33-rk356x multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11 Finally, please see this link for log data and information about my set-up etc, I notice there are some bluetooth error messages. https://paste.armbian.com/umazejomut
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