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Charlie Romer

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  1. This is what I've been trying to say the whole time... I know many distros are small projects with no full time developers. I saw in this thread that it looked like you guys could use some help and given how new this board is I wasn't expecting anyone to just solve something for me. I wanted to jump in and help if and where I could. What did you expect? Truth or fake happiness and prompt resolving of your problem? The opposite literally. I figured that if I have the ability to help and hardware in hand that I should help (or at least offer to be a guinea pig) - I wasn't and haven't been looking for someone to solve this thing for me but literally offering my assistance as I happen to have the hardware and wanted to give back if I could. This whole conversation has felt like I've been gaslit by people who assume everyone posting for the first time on this forum must be demanding fixes for everything right now. That may be many (or even most) folks but it's not a great feeling when all you're doing is trying to offer help.
  2. Ok well this has gone poorly with you guys... I really dont care about what OS I'm playing with - DietPi can apparently go **** themselves - cool, I'm not them - I'm just a dude who happened to be using it this morning but now I'm not... This seemed to be a discussion about kernel panics happening on the OPi5+ 32GB which I have and am experiencing no matter which OS I install and run a memtest on. They happen on Armbian too and you guys have a forum post that relates to my problem. Thus I am here. In terms of your beef with DietPi - would it make y'all feel better if I edit my posts and I started with Armbian all along? For the purposes of this discussion the originating reason why I came here really shouldn't matter if the result is the same on either OS. I honestly have no clue about your beef with DietPi (most of my experience comes from either raspbian or with non arm OSes - and OS politics is not my jam) and you've given me a negative vibe about them so I'll probably leave but at the moment I dont have a good vibe from Armbian either by how I'm being treated here. I came in with a good attitude offering up what I can in terms of help (and trying to follow the previous steps outlined in this thread). Can we get back on track talking about the issue at hand or am I just not going to get anywhere with you guys?
  3. Nope - been around long enough to know each distro has it's own crap to figure out. I do eventually hope to see fixes applied downstream in DietPi whenever someone figures out what's going on but right now I'm just a person trying to help the community of OPi5+ folks with no agenda towards DietPi. If the 32GB model only works with Armbian so be it but right now it seems to have this issue (or related issues) across all of the OSes that I've tried/read. FWIW same issue on Armbian_24.2.3_Orangepi5-plus_bookworm_legacy_5.10.160_minimal But I think this was already known
  4. That was a suggested troubleshooting step from a previous post - installing official orange pi images and running memtester to see if it would also panic... So thats what I just did (as others seem to have done in previous posts as well)... Unless I completely misunderstood the conversation taking place I don't think I'm out of line here. If anyone wants my help (little that it may be I do at least have the hardware in hand) let me know otherwise I can just sit back watch.
  5. Oh you misunderstand - I am here because I originally started with DietPi - now I just want to figure out why this thing kernel panics at all on whatever OS. This forum seems to be the only place currently discussing it and y'all seemed like you needed help...
  6. I just want to jump in here as I started running into these issues while upgrading my homelab server running DietPi from a 16GB to 32GB unit (or at least hoping to but thats on pause for now haha). As a test I just installed a fresh copy of Orangepi5plus_1.0.8_debian_bookworm_server_linux6.1.43 and ran sudo memtester 30G and it resulted in a panic. I also tried the same command starting at 8G (fine), 10G (fine) and then 11G and it panic'd. A fresh install and only running sudo memtester 11G resulted in a panic too. The only unique aspect that I can add about my setup is that I did run the SPI bootloader update to be able to boot from NVME (however the only storage drive attached is an the boot SD card). I can also install to eMMC as well if that would be helpful. I managed to capture a slow mo video of the start of the panic and have posted a screenshot of the start of the panic here in case it's useful in any way. This is all a bit over my head but I'd be happy to help if there's anything I test and report back on if someone doesn't mind walking me through things.
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