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Michał M

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  1. System is already running on real device. It also includes some other stuff configured and installed. I don't really want to create new image from scratch. Maybe I can mount sd card, chroot into installed system, make neccesary steps and again put sdcard to real device?
  2. I need to install some stuff on armbian system, which is installed on SD card and it runs on Orangepi PC board. It includes some sripts, Python libraries, etc and some of them require to be compiled on the fly, and it takes several hours when running on Orange PI. So my idea is to mount SD card on PC and run/chroot into installed system with qemu on Linux. So I will get much better performance and all neccesary steps will be performed much faster. Is it even possible to do that? After installation finishes, SD card will be again used to operate on OrangePI PC board.
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