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Everything posted by Nixie

  1. For now this is a working solution, a screw clamp pressing on the EMMC iC (second picture has the heat sink placed). It's been playing videos for over an hour and seems reliable. I can't mount its casing but at least works I reflowed both IC with a hot air gun and liquid flux but no luck, maybe needs reballing.
  2. Mistery solved - hardware problem. Pressing hard on the EMMC IC slightly bending the board makes it come to life, it even boots to the original Android and runs as long as the pressure is kept. When removed it hangs with lines all over the picture. Original DDRbin is V1.09 and Android is the one shown in this review: G96mini review I tried to reflow both EMMC and CPU but no luck Maybe some board interconnect.
  3. Hello, The serial logging has not changed: DDR Version V1.11 20200910_dbg In ID:0xFFF unknow device ERR RKDevTool says Fail on everything, for example trying to flash a firmware or any of the buttons in the Advanced tab.
  4. For now I could not find the original firmware, none of the aliexpress sellers responded. Attached pictures of the G96mini board. To force MASKROM mode short to ground any of the 8 pads nearest the EMMC chip that I highlighted, then power on and remove the short 1 second later. Once in MASKROM mode the USB plug nearest the jack sockets can be connected to the PC with a male to male cable. Serial out messages are output in the marked pads on the bottom side, notice that above it there are two pads that have to be jumped. Don't try to solder wires to them directly, they are very delicate and you will wipe them out (I had to solder a fine wire to the PCB track). Wifi IC is LG642.
  5. Thank you! Well, it is not obvious who actually made this, in the box there is a reference to "Shenzhen Chensen Technology Co., Ltd" but that seems a led lamp manufacturer, and a phone and mail that look like the importer. I asked an aliexpress seller that is selling these but don't have much hope. In a thread here someone came with a different box having exactly the same chips and said that multiboot worked. To me it is starting to look like a hardware problem, maybe some bad solder ball on the BGA chips, as a last resort I may try a reflow.
  6. Hello, thank you! I tried changing this bit in multitool-1.11 but the result is the same. I could not locate the bit in the older bootloader, the one that ran one step further. The bootloader is RK322XMiniLoaderAll_V2.47_MarcosTvBox.bin mentioned here in the last message:
  7. I have a "G96 mini" box that is bricked, I don't know its history but wrong firmware is a likely candidate- It contains a RK3228A and 08emcp08-el3cv100 ram & flash in a single chip. After some investigation I found how to boot from SD, boot in maskrom mode and access it with AndroidTool and capture the serial messages. I found very little info about this specific box, only that looks similar to the H20 mentioned in this thread: I tried all the bootloaders I could find including multitool-1.11 and the armbian indicated in that thread and this is what happens: DDR Version V1.11 20200910_dbg In ID:0xFFF unknow device ERR Another older bootloader I found around there seems to go a step further: DDR Version V1.06 20171130_1_xintu_en_rd_odt In 300MHz LPDDR3 Bus Width=32 Col=11 Bank=8 Row=14 CS=1 Die Bus-Width=32 Size=1024MB mach:4 rd addr 0x60000004 = 0xE0808004 ERR Do you think it requires some special customized bootloader or is it that the RAM is not working properly? Thanks in advance,
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