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Everything posted by MrTinker

  1. I have never flashed rockchip before, but have the appropriate software (+ drivers) for it, + done plenty of research I have a few different firmware sets, but the copy I have specifically for this device is uncompiled (separate boot.img etc. files) My concern is whether I accidentally deleted the userdata partition, as the firmware set I have doesn't include a .img for it. However, I will accessing a secondary device in the coming weeks (which I plan to extract / backup everything I need from) I am 100% open to any advice and assistance you might offer though, I'm grateful for any help that I can get!
  2. I do not seem to have the option to do this (Maybe a permission / new account restriction?) I have attempted both on mobile and desktop
  3. I would love to. I just want to get it working in any regard, as at the moment it serves as nothing but a very expensive drink coaster.. haha Apparently this board has the option to boot from SD card, and I have attempted to boot both Linux and Android variants (for this chipset, but not specific device) from the card without any luck.. I feel that maybe the device isn't defaulting to the boot from SD option though, as it is still seeing some type of software back-end. Do you happen to have any suggestions? Unfortunately at the moment I do not have access to an oscilloscope, but I will try to get a hold of one later in the week I have absolutely no idea how to do this, but I'm more than willing to try (and will certainly share it) I appreciate your response and guidance thanks @Hqnicolas Supernote Nomad (A6X2)
  4. Hi all, Firstly I want to state this this post in not about an Armbian device. I am posting here though, as it seems to be one of the most relevant places that I can find. Also, I want to commend the help and engagement that seems to be offered here, it reminds me of a good old fashion forum (clearly I have been spending far too much time on Reddit lately..) haha Ok, so the situation is - I have an Android e-reader tablet that is powered by a RK3566 chipset. Upon tinkering I got it stuck in a bootloop, then in my efforts to "fix" it I deleted the userdata partition (via fastboot) and now the computer doesn't even detect the device at all. I now believe that the only hope I might have of recovering the device is to get it into maskrom mode and continue the recovery process there, as it has no externally accessible recovery partition (it only has 1 single power button, a USB C port and a micro SD card slot) After spending hours researching / trying to determine the pins to bridge / comparing other similar boards and reading up on datasheets, I unfortunately now find myself completely stuck. (Also, I know that I am 100% at fault here for messing with something that I had very little understanding of. This is potentially going to be quite an expensive lesson for me - Or at the very least a very stressful one, haha) If someone is able to have look at a few photos and point me in the right direction I would be incredibly grateful!! Many thanks
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