Good day everyone! I apologize in advance for bad English))
I solved the boot problem for myself after installing Armbian on EMMC.
After installing Armbian, you need to flash the worn-out bootloader to EMMC via USB.
To do this, you need to download Rockchip-AndroidTool_Release_v2.84, install drivers for MaskRom Mode (Rockchip_DriverAssitant_v5.1.1) and flash the MiniLoaderAll.bin Rockchip_Release_v2.84.rar bootloader into the zero sector of EMMC.
After rebooting, the TV set-top box will boot into normal mode (with Armbian).
The method was tested on 3 different set-top boxes (Transpeed MX-10 PRO, Vontar R3, X88 mini 13) with RK3528 installed.