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Looks like meco has merged the rock 5b+ build scripts a week ago. https://forum.radxa.com/t/armbian-the-best-arm-framework/14979/33 I still haven't tried it but I am very thankful for him doing it!
Yeah sorry I'm too busy right now I don't think I'm going to be able to try to it any time soon. I see on my other thread you said something about needing a uboot boot config. I didn't get that far and don't have experience with uboot so I can't be of any assistance. You may want to post here too, incase someone on this forum knows more.
Thanks I'll need to look into this more. I guess it will probably need a bunch of cross compilers and what not. Perhaps that's why they recommend using a VM or docker environment. Then I guess it's just a matter of adding the dtb, dts files like this (but the latest ones merged from the armbian repo and the rockchip repo for the rockpi 5b+). https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/pull/129/files Then adding the csc board config file (seems they end in a ".conf" extension now unlike the original commit in this case that ended in ".csc"). https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6551/files This seems to be the command to compile just the single board https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6551 "./compile.sh BOARD=rock-5-itx BRANCH=vendor BUILD_DESKTOP=no BUILD_MINIMAL=no DEB_COMPRESS=xz KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no RELEASE=bookworm KERNEL_GIT=shallow" If anyone else wants to try to build it in the meantime though I'll be happy to test whatever pull request they might make. Personal Notes: Also unrelated (just putting these notes here for my own record to help me remember) but I need the legacy kernel support so I probably need to revert the changes made here for my own local build, unless there is a way to manually specify the "legacy" kernel when you build. https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/0bc5d27701286cca8a76820a0263b4d8a42b5b56 There's some interesting details on this pull request about the different build parameters that might let me specify LEGACY. https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6881 "./compile.sh kernel BOARD=nanopi-r6s BRANCH=legacy BUILD_DESKTOP=no BUILD_MINIMAL=no EXPERT=yes KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no RELEASE=trixie" So I think for my build what I will probably need is. "./compile.sh BOARD=rock-5b-plus BRANCH=legacy BUILD_DESKTOP=yes BUILD_MINIMAL=no DEB_COMPRESS=xz EXPERT=yes KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no RELEASE=jammy KERNEL_GIT=shallow"
Here was the thread I opened at the radxa forum where amazingfate gave me some links to prior github commits to support other radxa boads. https://forum.radxa.com/t/rock-5b-poor-hdmi-in-performance-with-bgr3-color-format-and-colorspace-conversion/22191/7 It might be worth looking at them if you run into difficulties.
I haven't made any progress, if you can build an image and share it I'de be happy to help test as well. I just don't know how to build an image.
I got a reply on the radxa forum saying they should be sending a board to a maintainer and support should be added, they just don't know when. https://forum.radxa.com/t/armbian-the-best-option/14979/21 I agree there are so many of them it is impossible to keep up....
Alternatively if there is no working armbian image planned for the 5B+, is there anyway to apply the same "rockchip-multimedia-config" path to the debian bookworm release for the 5B+?
I Just tried the "Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble)Gnometrunk MESA / VPUSHA ASC1.3GB" Image from "May 25, 2024" and it didn't work. https://dl.armbian.com/rock-5b/archive/Armbian_24.5.1_Rock-5b_noble_vendor_6.1.43_gnome-oibaf_desktop.img.xz EDIT: I also tried the latest nightly "Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble)Gnome MESA / VPUstable6.1.75SHA ASC1.4GB" and it gave me the same error "Blutooth: hc11: BCM: Reset failed (-110)" https://github.com/armbian/os/releases/download/24.8.0-trunk.488/Armbian_24.8.0-trunk.488_Rock-5b_noble_vendor_6.1.75_gnome-kisak_desktop.img.xz I guess I will need to wait for a 5B+ specific image. If you guys are beta testing one let me know where I can download it and I'll be happy to give it a go.
Hey Everyone, I'm sorry if this has been answered elsewhere. I recently purchased a Radxa Rock 5B+ and I installed the debian bookworm test build provided by radxa on there getting started page. https://docs.radxa.com/en/rock5/rock5b/getting-started/install-os/boot_from_sd_card https://github.com/radxa-build/rock-5b-plus-6_1/releases/download/rsdk-t4/rock-5b-plus-6_1_bookworm_kde_t4.output.img.xz I was mainly intent on using the HDMI with gstreamer using custom resolutions, but found that when using custom resolutions they cannot use the YCrCb pixel format only RGB8. It seems based on the following comment that RGB8 videoconvert hardware acceleration is missing from the default GPU drivers so one needs custom drivers. https://forum.radxa.com/t/hdmi-input-on-rock-5b/16242/4 https://forum.radxa.com/t/rk3588-kodi-rkmpp-accelerated-decoding-working-out-of-box/12785 Looking at the ppa they want you to add it seems like it only supports ubuntu and reading more they recommend you install armbian jammy on the rock 5B. I did find one github repo that appears to have the raw scripts related to rockchip-multimedia-config and a folder called debian https://github.com/amazingfate/rockchip-multimedia-config But looking at the files it seems like it relies on the device-tree files, which I feel may be different between the 5B and 5B+. So my two questions are 1) is there a working build of armbian ubuntu jammy or noble, that will install on the Rock 5B+ and work as well as it does for the Rock 5B. 2) Does anyone know if the rockchip-multimedia-config ppa with custom drivers will work on the Rock 5B+ ? Any other tips you all may have would be much appreciated. If I can provide any more details from my end just let me know.