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Ivano Brunet

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  1. I've tried with kernel 5.15.137, nothing change. I'll wait for amlogic update 🤞
  2. I'll wait for next kernel release, meanwhile i'm using cifs (is a backup folder so can work), i can try the nightly image on a sdcard Thanks for yours good work on maintaining armbiam!
  3. Every time i do umount of an nfs folder from a qnap nas i get an error in syslog similar to that attached, sometimes my board reboot after error I have Armbian 24.5.5 bookworm I need to mount using nfsv 4.0 or 3 because my nas doesnt support nfs 4.1 or newer. I use a command like this mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=4 -o minorversion=0 myqnapnas:/Backups /mnt I'm using official Armbian 24.5.5 bookworm image from armbian site on a khadas vim1s khadas_vim1s_error.txt
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