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  1. Hello, I am very sorry that I have to leave the Armbian flock, but the Dietpi-Distro is so much better. It simply boots off the SD-Card on my NanoPi NeoCore and the darned Ethernet simply works; also the DTB overlay files work, so the additional I2C and UART hardware works in Dietpi. And the kernel is 6.x too ! However, the NanoPi Neocore is shipped with an outdated Armbian (using Kernel 4.x) on EMMC. What I now want is to replace the prepared EMMC Armbian distro with whatever is on my SD-Card, but this task is more difficult than I tought. What I would need is to simply copy the whole SD-Card to EMMC, but the recommended "dd if='sdcard...' of='emmc...'...." command didn't really help. The bootloader "U-Boot" complained that the boot partition is now missing. Obviously, the U-Boot demands that there is a Partition1 in FAT/exFAT/FAT32 which contains the boot directory, then there is supposed to be Partition2 with most of the Linux files, and why there is a Partition3 with the /var filesystem part etc., I dont know. But what I need is just one single partition on EMMC which contains everything in one partition, preferably an EXT4 type partition. Unfortunately, U-Boot always seem to use the command "fatload ...." to load the rest of the stuff. Is there any convenient way of getting rid of these 3 unwanted EMMC partitions and install DietPi instead, on one partition? If so, how do I tell U-Boot to boot from this one partition properly ?
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