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Riyadh Zaman

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  1. Hello, @jock I am on virtual machine linux. I am new on linux. I stuck at this point. what will be the next command. I have mini loader All.bin and image file. thx After several try, it showing the error message.
  2. @jock Hello Sir, I have followed everything your instruction from first page. But i failed to boot my box from sd card. I have the same box. But no success to me. Need help and detail instruction for the box. Thanks.
  3. @jock Hello sir, Plz Help me. I have the same box RK3328 @user account. Give me a clear instruction as an armbian boss. I want to run server with the box. My main problem is cannot boot the box (multitool/direct armbian). but i have success to upgrade the android os 7.1 to 9. I used RkDevTool. Plz help. Thx. https://forum.armbian.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13598&key=67e51f8dea0e932984b14b784e000706
  4. Hello, I have the same tv box. i failed to boot from sd card. will you give a full process detail (This is the only method that worked for me: I re-recorded the U-boot using Windows 10 and RKDevTool GUI. I download U-boot from here: https://github.com/hexdump0815/u-boot-misc/blob/master/misc.rk3328-no-sd-boot/rockchip-u-boot/u-boot-image-for-emmc-h96max-rk3328.img.gz Then I recorded to the SD card using the Multitool from straight from this thread. (u-boot-image-for-emmc-h96max-rk3328.img.gz) I download this file and failed to rerecord with RKDeveTool. Also, any expert can be help. Thx. Special request to JOCK. u-boot-image-for-emmc-h96max-rk3328.img.gz
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