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  1. Collecting info and sending to paste.armbian.com, wait... <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Error</title> </head> <body> <pre>Cannot POST /log</pre> </body> </html> Please post the URL in the forum where you've been asked for.
  2. Hello, I'm using a rock pi e ver 3.0 with armbian 24.8.3: I would like to drive the state of a gpio, that of pin 7 or gpio 100: I'm not an expert and I tried to use the GPIOD libraries for python but I couldn't do anything because I get errors; from the command line through the gpiodetect command it seems to me that the chipset is recognized and I see some lines and the status of the gpios but I cannot change the status of these. Am I going in the right direction? Are there other methods to drive these GPIOs? Thank you in advance.
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