Hi all, was able to run with https://github.com/bigtreetech/CB2/releases and access the network with USB-Ethernet adapter (RTL8153).
1. Download https://github.com/bigtreetech/CB2/releases/download/V1.0.5/CB2_Debian11_Klipper_kernel4.19_20240716.img.xz
2. Flash it to MicroSD with Raspberry Pi Imager.
3. Replace dtb/rockchips/rk3566-bigtreetech-pi2.dtb to rk3566-slzn.dtb from start-topic.
4. In boot/scripts/btt_init.sh add in end sting: sudo service KlipperScreen stop
5. Run it. Login credentials: biqu/biqu
I have installed XFCE - HDMI & audio works!
But Wifi/bt (BCM4358) and native Ethernet not works.
I'd really appreciate some help with wifi/ethernet.