I'm booting it from Armbian_24.11.1_Rock-5c_bookworm_vendor_6.1.75_minimal.img.xz image from a SD card.
When launching `armbian-install`, there's only one option:
(5) - Install to SD card
I would like to install the bootloader to the SPI flash module but the option is not present.
Furthermore it seems that my SPI module isn't detected either when running ls /dev/mtd* -> no mtdblock
I decided to move on and I flashed https://dl.radxa.com/rock5/5c/images/loader/spi/rock-5c-spi-image-20240528.img to my 5C lite SPI flash module.
However, there's no display and both LEDs are lighted up (green and blue) without blinking. I suggest it didn't work well.
Can someone confirm?