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Everything posted by peltho

  1. UPDATE: I managed to make it work eventually. Here is an updated tutorial: https://gitlab.com/peltho/rock-5c-lite-u-boot-spi
  2. Hello I'm trying to netboot a Rock 5C lite SBC via U-boot and a TFTP + NFS server. U-boot is working fine and is able to fetch the armbian.Image and fdt file (rk3588s-rock-5c.dtb) I provide through pxelinux.cfg/{device_mac_addr} file: LABEL Armbian MENU LABEL Armbian KERNEL /srv/tftp/armbian.Image FDT /srv/tftp/rk3588s-rock-5c.dtb APPEND root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=,vers=3 rw ip=dhcp rootwait (To be complete I have U-boot installed on a SPI flash module configured to fetch the files with pxe commands: pxe get; pxe boot). To create the armbian.Image (kernel) I used the build repository and edited the kernel config with the attached file (linux-rockchip64-current.config): ./compile kernel-config ROOTFS_TYPE=nfs BOARD=rock-5c EXTRAWIFI=no BRANCH=current cp output/config/linux-rockchip64-current.config config/kernel/ ./compile SHARE_LOG=yes (Unfortunately the log URL resulted in a HTML error strangely? So I'm going to provide it as an attachment instead.) Then I extracted the vmlinuz file provided into output/debs/linux-image... renamed it to armbian.Image and put it on my TFTP server. As you can see I enabled NFS in almost all ways because the rootfs is located on the NFS server ( However the serial console tells me it cannot boot (serial_output.txt). It seems there's an issue with NFS whereas I thought I had enable it. [ 113.632537] VFS: Unable to mount root fs via NFS. I'm pretty sure this is not the right way to get the bootable image (I mean by extracting it from the deb archives). So I gave a try with https://github.com/ophub/kernel/releases/tag/kernel_rk3588 and it went further at least sending me into an initramfs I guess but failing to mount the NFS rootfs. Can anyone bring some lights to me? BR Thomas linux-rockchip64-current.config serial_output.txt log-build-B310C8B5-F0CC-4A98-90F3-D1EBE517955E.log
  3. I'm booting it from Armbian_24.11.1_Rock-5c_bookworm_vendor_6.1.75_minimal.img.xz image from a SD card. When launching `armbian-install`, there's only one option: (5) - Install to SD card I would like to install the bootloader to the SPI flash module but the option is not present. Furthermore it seems that my SPI module isn't detected either when running ls /dev/mtd* -> no mtdblock I decided to move on and I flashed https://dl.radxa.com/rock5/5c/images/loader/spi/rock-5c-spi-image-20240528.img to my 5C lite SPI flash module. However, there's no display and both LEDs are lighted up (green and blue) without blinking. I suggest it didn't work well. Can someone confirm? BR
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