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  1. I have the same issue. I had to switch to a vendor kernel v.6.1.84 due to sound issues. eMMC module is not being detected. I should mention that I am not trying to boot from it just yet. I have booted from an SD card with a brand new eMMC module connected to the board. The device is not shown in lsblk. Am I doing something wrong? Maybe I must format or mount it or something? https://paste.next.armbian.com/ibohigatiy
  2. I am running an unmodified Server version of Armbian Linux v6.12 (Ubuntu 24.04) on an Orange Pi 5 Plus. I need to play sounds using the headphone jack on my SBC. Unfortunately the ES8388 sound chip is not recognized, the aplay -l output is as follows: **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: Analog [Analog], device 0: fe470000.i2s-es8328-hifi-analog es8328-hifi-analog-0 [fe470000.i2s-es8328-hifi-analog es8328-hifi-analog-0] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 The correct output on desktop systems should like this (and it was like this on Desktop Armbian). What should I do to enable the ES8388 sound chip while staying on a server OS? Change something in the boot environment maybe? Install drivers?
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