I want to say that Armbian, for any developer listening, has been a pleasure to use, of its stability features. Running my board off a name via Arbitbian-config has been very nice. I would like to let you all know that I have found a solution (sorta) to the slow desktop environment for anyone interested in this. It appears that currently, it is using Softpipe for its graphics rendering (I am no expert in any of this, I am trying to learn). What I did (unintentionally) was getting llvmpipe working. With llvmpipe, the desktop environment works much snappier and is pretty usable (even though it is not using the GPU). I am not too sure how I got this working, but what appears to be my steps is first compiling the MESA drivers from https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/imagination/mesa. Then what I did was download the source code from https://bianbu.spacemit.com/en/development/kernel_compile/. After applying these, the desktop environment became much snappier. The thing though is the kernel I compiled was not being used, so I am not sure what I exactly did. I am very new to working with this kinda thing so if anyone more experienced wants to shed some light on what I did that would be great.