I have some Banana PI M2 Pro, and I have successfully booted CoreElec, even I managed to copy the whole system to emmc, but I can't boot a SD with Armbian.
For coreelec, I erased the emmc using the Image burning tool and a usb cable. Android boots up normally and I execute reboot update and the SD with coreelec boots up correctly.
For armbian, I insert the SD card formated with Armbian_24.11.1_Bananapim2pro_bookworm_current_6.6.61_minimal.img and Android boots up, next, I execute "reboot update" and Android shows a error page.
Attached there is a serial log, the one from coreelec is from cold boot to coreelec using a SD card, without needing to type "reboot update". The second, is from armbian using an armbian SD, I typed reboot update on android and next error image.
My whole intention is to install armbian directly on emmc, and boot up without SD card. Hope somebody can helpme.