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  1. @jock I've install Armbian with legacy kernel downloaded from the following link. https://users.armbian.com/jock/web/rk322x/armbian/stable/Armbian_22.02.0-trunk_Rk322x-box_bullseye_legacy_4.4.194_minimal.img.xz But I've problem that this version has architecture is "linux/arm/v7" which prevents me to run many docker images only support aarch64. Do you know any other build of Armbian with legacy kernel which support aarch64. Thank you so much.
  2. @jock @Asriel Nguyen finally I found the solution. Rockchip has an official document say: https://opensource.rock-chips.com/wiki_Rockusb#Maskrom_mode So, the command of write u-boot-main.img is rkdeveloptool wl 0x2000 u-boot-main.img After write u-boot, you able to boot MultiTool from OTG USB
  3. I have a same board with @Asriel Nguyen, following the instruction for NAND board without SD card but after step write u-boot-main, my board unable to boot.
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