after Werner's hint I used
Armbian_24.2.1_Odroidm1_jammy_current_6.6.16.img.xz from oldarchive
but after armbian-install → Install/Update the bootloader on MTD Flash
no change of behavior, i.e. system does not boot without sd-card inserted.
I did not perform Boot from MTD flash - system on Sata ...
again, since the desired system is already on nvme.
Just for clarification: is my expectation correct, that system should boot without sd-card inserted (since bootloader is in MTD-flash), or is the effect of flashing MTD merely, that the system can use the bootloader of the sd-card without pressing RCY button?
Although I ordered a usb-serial adapter in order to be able to debug the situation, I would very much appreciate if the bootmenu could appear on hdmi Console - I wonder how this could be achieved - what build does Usual User refer to with "my build"?