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Enzo Esteban

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  1. If you don't tell me, I would never realize. i check two times, but print is verry bad, so i sujest was 3228, so by now my job here is finish idk why, this TX9 fake has 3328, and have also 322x, so i will make this on many of them and verify one by one. by now i will go to thnks guys!
  2. With logs do you want? how do this? @jock is a ssv6051p, follow the images @fabiobassa
  3. Hey guys good morning, thanks for all thats supports! 😊 i am totaly new on linux so i am really lost and somethinks... 1. I checked these kernels, after some hours tryng on diferents ones, the version "Armbian_24.2.5_Rk322x-box_bookworm_current_6.6.22_xfce_desktop" that i take on "https://armbian.hosthatch.com/archive/rk322x-box/archive/" works for me!! after changing leds configs, the one who works was "led conf2" so my wifi device: South Silicon Valley 6051/6256p - device ID: 3030:3030 well done, 50% problem solved 😁 ✅ now i am having problem how i can connect my wifi on this. i was studyng about this, i saw someone telling for disable one and just let wlan0 (??) ( dont know how do ) after tryng and reading this forum i reach in this result: ls /sys/bus/sdio/devices mmc1:0001:1 lsmod | grep ssv ssv6051 151552 0 so i think it recognize WIFI as well. ✅ so i tryed to connect to wifi, by 3 methods 1. By armbian-config wifi option didnt shows, 2. By sudo nmtui Create a new wifi conection with ssid and password, nothings happends 3. By sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 country=BR network={ ssid="SSID USER" psk="Password" key_mgmt=WPA-PSK } also dont works, so can help with step by step how can i solve this connection?
  4. i've explore all rk322x options but no sucesfull. 🫠 🆘
  5. Nah i didnt make this, i read about it, but you know when you are so focus on one think that you dont know more what are you doing? is me now about these tv box bro i will try this tomorrow, and will keep all my energy on this until next week. i will give attenttion on this LEDS, forum have 94 pages i read full 40 +- and start a burnout in my brain
  6. Hello guys @jock @fabiobassa and @everyone who can supports I'm Esteban, an engineering student at UNESP in Sorocaba (Brasil). It's a pleasure to be in touch with this community. I've been having a problem that I haven't been able to solve for days, and my last attempt was to contact. I've been studying for a long time how to de-identify TV boxes, and I realized that the model that the college provided (TX9) is not authentic, because it has a different processor than the one indicated by the manufacturer. In any case, the problem is the following: We need Wi-Fi access, preferably on-board. I know and have already tested wireless USB Wi-Fi, it works normally, as well as with cable, but because we have a huge amount of TV boxes to de-identify, and give them another project purpose, we would like to make it easier and use the on-board itself, but the easy way is proving difficult. I disassembled my TV box, and checked, in addition to the software, the hardware, which both indicate that my processor is a Rockchip RK 3228, and my Wi-Fi antenna is an SV6051. Internal flash eMMC I've been studying not only on this repository, but also several foreign forums, and I saw that both mention that because this antenna is very old, there is no driver compatible with kernels > 4.5. So, I've been testing all the images I could find on the internet, from higher kernels 5... to legacy 4.4 <... But I was unsuccessful in enabling the Wi-Fi. I don't know what else to do, I would like someone give me some support to see if we can solve this problem. Here are some ISOs from your website that you provided that I've already tested, but when running Linux, it doesn't recognize the Wi-Fi antenna, in the command rk322x-config It always indicates that Wifi device not avaliable
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