not sure if you can run 1-wire, SPI3, and I2C3 together as there may be an overlap in the pins used, but I have just managed to get my I2C1 and I2C3 busses working after having struggled with overlays' installation, that is, after thinking they are not working.
My problem came from "overlay_prefix=" in /boot/armbianEnv.txt.
It was set to "rk35xx". I edited armbianEnv.txt directly, and after changing this to "rk3568" (for Rock 3a), it allowed me, when running armbian-config (system --> kernel --> manage device tree overlays), to select from overlays inside /boot/dtb/rockchip/. In that folder, all files are indeed prefixed with "rk3568".
However, I wanted to try "rockchip-rk3568-hk-i2c0.dtbo" from /boot/dtb/rockchip/overlay/. Prefix here is "rockchip-rk3568"; so I changed "overlay_prefix=", again directly inside /boot/armbianEnv.txt using a text editor, to that, and started again the armbian-config utility. Now, to my delight, I was able to select from the overlays stored inside /boot/dtb/rockchip/overlay/. (Note: In this folder is the SPI overlay that you will want to try.)
Note to not include the "-".
Note also that overlays rockchip-rk3568-hk-i2c0 and rockchip-rk3568-hk-i2c1 (note I2C0 and I2C1) enabled I2C busses 1 and 3 on the Rock 3a, *not* 0 and 1 as the names might imply! (Bus 0, 5 and 6 were already enabled on my setup before adding these two overlays.) (You will have to try and see which of the two enables I2C3 for you 🙂.)
In other words, there may be inconsistencies in numbering schemes.
Hope this helps,