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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. Thank you for the quick response.


    sunxi-keyboard and sunxi-keypad seem to be too specific for my use....  I'm just looking for one or two push buttons, and something that can be dynamically set (kernel module params or sysfs or fex)


    I like your idea of taking gpio_keys.c and making a new kernel module and having read the fex file.   That may be the route I take.


    Have you ever heard of a kernel module which takes settings from sysfs and performs gpio to keyboard input?




  2. All of the docs that I see on how to use the kernel gpio_keys refers to dts (device tree).   


    The kernel module is present in Armbian legacy 5.20 Jessie Desktop.   /lib/modules/3.4.112...../gpio_keys.ko


    I understand it should map gpio inputs to keystrokes.   But all usage/configuration info I can find refers to entries made in Device Tree --

    gpio-keys {        compatible = "gpio-keys";        left-key {            label = "Left key";            gpios = <&gpio0 17 0>;            linux,code = <69>; /* KEY_LEFT */        };    }

    This refers to some other underlying hardware, but it is an example...


    So my question... I don't believe Armbian legacy handles device tree.  So what would I need to do to map a gpio pin to a keystroke in kernel space.   Or is there a sysfs option I'm missing also missing?


    I can write a kernel module if needed, but I'd prefer not to actually modify/compile the armbian kernel as provided.








  3. Orange Pi Lite - Armbian 5.14


    The desktop shutdown (or shutdown -h now) shuts down the desktop, the system starts shutting down, then the desktop starts again, then disappears and the system shuts down.    Its not a disastrous problem, but just annoying.


    I've traced it to the fact that 'nodm' is seeing the desktop stop, and then restarting it.   Apparently either 'nodm' isn't getting the shutdown signal, or ignoring it, or getting it too late.


    Any guidance on what 'nodm' config, or some other config might help me to fix this?






  4. above fix doesn't work with me either. says wrong mac address. In some rapsberry pi forum. it said about Voltage problems from usb hub

    . Even my armbian updated doesn't recognize my wifi device mt 7601 without connecting usb hub.after connecting usb, I can also connect to board directly too

    My fix was not about usb wifi dongles, but about the built in wifi on an orange pi lite.

  5. This is my final solution to this issue.   I hope it works consistently for everyone.


    This applies to Armbian Jessie 5.15 Desktop.  No idea at this point about other versions.


    After many trials, I find that wicd is broken.  Some confirmation can be found here: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1775-wicd-gets-erroneous-bad-password/?p=14708


    So abandoning wicd, I uncheck all "Automatcially connect to this network".


    I turned to this post as a guide: http://askubuntu.com/questions/406166/how-can-i-configure-my-headless-server-to-connect-to-a-wireless-network-automati/406167#406167to use /etc/network/interfaces to do my connecting instead of wicd doing the connecting.




    added to /etc/network/interfaces

    auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    pre-up sudo wpa_supplicant -B -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dnl80211
    post-down sudo killall -q wpa_supplicant

    [The following may not apply to everyone.  It might have been needed in my case because I began experimenting by plugging in a wifi dongle when I was having trouble with the built in wifi.  But if you have issues described below, it may help]


    I was able to connect to my wifi ONCE, after rebooting it would not connect.  I couldn't see why, until I did an ifconfig -a, and I saw that instead of wlan0, it was wlan1...  I then just changed things to wlan1, and it worked ONCE.   So why is it changing?


    It came down to the contents of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, which records the mac address of the wlan interface and assigns device ids accordingly.


    According to this post: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1738-opi-lite-mac-address/the realtek driver generates a random mac address under certain conditions. 

    The contents of /etc/modeprobe.d/8189fs.conf in my setup had a mac address in it that would indeed cause a new random mac to be generated.


    So I changed it to one of the random macs that it generated.   I'd suggest that you use 00:e0:4c:xx:yy:zz where you randomly make up 3 hex bytes for xx:yy:zz  However if you don't come to my house, nor have multiple orange pi's on your network, you can just copy the line.



    options 8189fs rtw_initmac=00:e0:4c:88:b2:2c

    I then removed all the wlan* entries from /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules


    That last step may not be needed if you've never plugged in any wifi dongles to the usb port.



    I'm just happy it works now, and is consistent.


    I'm convinced that my previous attempts at various command line and network script fixes found here and elsewhere where hindered by wicd running and trying to connect (since I had "Automatically Connect" set).  Once I determined that wicd was in the way, I was able to get things working.



  6. See this post for probable problem:



    Since the problem seems to be a wicd to wpa_supplicant timeout problem, any change in information (password, driver, SSID,etc.) can change the amount of time it takes wpa_supplicant to reply.

    So lots of these differing solutions work some of the time.


    When I run wpa_supplicant from the command line directly, the connection takes between 1 and 2 seconds.  So their first fix for wicd probably won't work for me.   It appears the goal will be to replace wicd with network manager, (with some success by some to accomplish that in that thread).


    For now I'm abandoning wicd... my solution will be documented next.

  7. My experience with this is that trying all these various things about fixing the WiFi, work... but only randomly.   I reboot or reconnect with the same settings, and 1 out of 10 (aprox) times the connection succeeds.  The other times it gives "Bad Password".  When it does connect, it is rock solid, until you disconnect.   I'm curious to all those who had success with the Orange Pi Lite, actually had continued success on multiple shutdowns/disconnects/powerdowns.   Does it actually reliably connect?



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