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Posts posted by andrewufrank

  1. i can confirm that the output on hdmi connected to a dvi display is working, IF 

    in the /boot/boot.ini file is set to dvi


    # --- HDMI / DVI Mode Selection ---
    # ------------------------------------------
    # - HDMI Mode
    # setenv vout "hdmi"
    # - DVI Mode (disables sound over HDMI as per DVI compat)
    setenv vout "dvi"


    that was all! now setting things up is easier. if the board is not starting, ssh is not helpful for debug ;-)

    thank you!   andrew

  2. do you mean the serial uart where one needs a special connector (where to get from? my supplier, pollin, seems not to have it)?

    what code would i need to add to have output on the hdmi/dvi (this works with other distributions and i find it handy).

    can i just apt-get install some packages? (i do not see a change in the boot.ini, except to switch hdmi/dvi)

    thank you!

  3. i added in /etc/fstab

    /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot ext4 defaults 0 2

    and the upgrade seems now to apply to the sd.


    but i fear that after the upgrade, the initram on the sd is now tied to the partition on the ssd. i have other versions of armbian on the ssd but i will not be able to boot them by just changing the boot.cmd? the solution is then to have a small sd with a specific boot.cmd for each OS on the ssd.

  4. i run a cubietruck on armbian with 4.6.2 kernel. it starts with the software on mmcblk0p1 (with kernel 4.6.2 and the /lib dir on the sd) but uses as root a partition of the ssd. 

    when i upgrade now, i see that the upgrade process produces a new initrd.img-4.6.3 and removes the old 4.6.2.


    (diagnosis: the system runs, but the keyboard/mouse connected to the usb is not functional - desktop over net works!)


    i assume that there is something wrong with the boot.cmd -  but i do not see exactly how to fix it. the upgrade process uses the ssd .../lib directory and removes 4.6.2 there. if i would mount the /boot directory with the running system (in fstab) - would this help? then the upgrade process would write the initram on the sd.


    thank you for the very reliable system!





    my boot.cmd says:


    if ext4load mmc 0 0x00000000 /boot/.verbose
    setenv verbosity 7
    setenv verbosity 1
    setenv bootargs "console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootwait rootfstype=ext4 cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 sunxi_ve_mem_reserve=0 sunxi_g2d_mem_reserve=0 sunxi_no_mali_mem_reserve sunxi_fb_mem_reserve=16 hdmi.audio=EDID:0 disp.screen0_output_mode=1920x1080p60 panic=10 consoleblank=0 enforcing=0 loglevel=${verbosity}"
    # Boot loader script to boot with different boot methods for old and new kernel
    if ext4load mmc 0 0x00000000 /boot/.next || fatload mmc 0 0x00000000 .next || ext4load mmc 0 0x00000000 .next
    # sunxi mainline kernel
    ext4load mmc 0 0x49000000 /boot/dtb/${fdtfile} || fatload mmc 0 0x49000000 /dtb/${fdtfile} || ext4load mmc 0 0x49000000 /dtb/${fdtfile}
    ext4load mmc 0 0x42000000 /boot/uInitrd || fatload mmc 0 0x42000000 uInitrd || ext4load mmc 0 0x42000000 uInitrd
    ext4load mmc 0 0x46000000 /boot/zImage || fatload mmc 0 0x46000000 zImage || ext4load mmc 0 0x46000000 zImage
    bootz 0x46000000 0x42000000 0x49000000
    #bootz 0x46000000 - 0x49000000
    # sunxi android kernel
    ext4load mmc 0 0x43000000 /boot/script.bin || fatload mmc 0 0x43000000 script.bin || ext4load mmc 0 0x43000000 script.bin
    ext4load mmc 0 0x42000000 /boot/uInitrd || fatload mmc 0 0x42000000 uInitrd || ext4load mmc 0 0x42000000 uInitrd
    ext4load mmc 0 0x48000000 /boot/zImage || fatload mmc 0 0x48000000 zImage || ext4load mmc 0 0x48000000 zImage
    bootz 0x48000000 0x42000000
    #bootz 0x48000000
    # Recompile with:
    # mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr

  5. i did edit the ramlog.postrm as per your instructions - this worked. now i am stuck with the pending install of rsyslog:

    Removing ramlog (2.0.0) ...
    Setting up rsyslog (8.4.2-1+deb8u2) ...
    insserv: Service ramlog has to be enabled to start service rsyslog
    insserv: exiting now!
    update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header
    dpkg: error processing package rsyslog (--configure):
     subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1


    do i need rsyslog? i can remove it. and then reinstall it, but i get the message:

    Setting up rsyslog (8.4.2-1+deb8u2) ...
    insserv: script ramlog: service ramlog already provided!
    Processing triggers for systemd (215-17+deb8u3) ...


    is this ok (after i have removed ramlog!)


  6. thank you for the quick help! - the error is not possible to ignore: i cannot install other packages while the error in apt-get persists. could you help me to clear it?


    i tried apt-get remove ramlog

    but get the following error:

    Removing ramlog (2.0.0) ...
    [....] Disabling ramlog...insserv: script ramlog.uninst: service ramlog already provided!
    rsync: change_dir "/var/log.hdd" failed: No such file or directory (2)
    rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1183) [sender=3.1.1]
    dpkg: error processing package ramlog (--remove):
     subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 23
    Errors were encountered while processing:
    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

    (apt-get purge gives the same). the error persists.

    do i have to reinstall rsyslog afterwards?

  7. i installed systemd as described above (not edited the boot script).

    it worked for sytemctl.

    when i did an apt-get upgrade i get the error

    Setting up rsyslog (8.4.2-1+deb8u2) ...
    insserv: Service ramlog has to be enabled to start service rsyslog
    insserv: exiting now!
    update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header
    dpkg: error processing package rsyslog (--configure):
     subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


    is this related? how to fix it? what is the effect?


    thank you for a very good system!

  8. the nand-sata-install always proposes the sda1 as a destination. this did not fit what i needed.


    i have had success by editing the file and replace all sda1 with sdxx (whatever i need) and then it works (the information gives the wrong size in the initial screen).


    i looked into the code (but i do not understand bash programming): it seems that sda1 is hardwired despite the intention to find all possible destinations and to offer them.

    it is a useful utility, as it does several things at once (copy stuff, change fstab) which are otherwise separate coordinated steps.


    thank you for the utily!




    install into nand did the correct copying, but did not start. is it necessary to wait a long time after the second boot? in general, if you want users to wait, give some indication of progress...


  9. sorry if this is a duplication. i just started a new topic regarding the new version (dated 5-8). and cannot find it to add information:


    i installed jessie_4_1 and jessie 4_0 both with 4.1.2 and 4.1.4 and it hangs with the (known) error:

    time timed out missing for device dev-ttyS0.device

    dependency failed foer serial getty on ttSO.


    i have two cubietrucks: on one (the newer one) 4.1  it installs, on the older one it does not.

    probably a difference in hardware (the old cubietruck ran a wheezy 3.4.75 kernel, from you) and i wanted to upgrade.


    fortunately the jessie_3.4.108 download does not show this problem and installs.

    i hope this additional information helps to pin down the problem and perhaps you find a solution!


    thank you!




  10. i have just downloaded the new version (dated 5-8) for jessie 4.1.4 for the cubietruck.

    it runs till it gets the greetings screen but then hangs and says:


    time  timed out waiting for device dev-ttyS).device.

    depend dependency failed for serial getty on ttySO.



    i had a hdmi monitor, but then connectted a vga monitor (both show the initial informations) - the same result.


    what did i wrong?




    ps. thank you for adding the upgrade using ppa!

  11. i followed the instructions in the FAQ to upgrade the kernel (to 4.0.5). from 3.4.

    in the archive i found also a new firmware image and linux-libc-dev. the faq does not indicte that they should be installed - is this correct? why?


    after the installation, the boot starts and hangs with "starting kernel".

    it would be helpful in the FAQ if you could suggest how to fix things if something goes wrong.

    the update i did on the ssd and thus i thought i could just start with the old system i had on the sd memory card. but chaning the boot.scr there did not resolve the problem. it still hangs with 'starting kernel'.


    what can be done?

    thank you for your good work!

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