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Posts posted by CryBaby

  1. Normally your router will be responsible for translating the hostname to an IP address. So if it stops working you should look at your router's DHCP and DNS. Often both will be handled by dnsmasq. Rebooting your RockPro will renew its DHCP lease.

  2. I haven't seen modules like those before but I've used the typical 'terminal server' in a metal box. They work, the only caveat I would mention is that they can have old and non-standard web interfaces for configuration. Some of the cheaper ones I've used can only be accessed with Konqueror, not Firefox or other more common browsers. I don't know about VLANs.

  3. The last time I tried using my Cubieboard 2 I wanted to use SPI and had some trouble. This was 2 or 3 years ago. The main reason I gave up though was the 2mm pin spacing. Maybe you found a suitable cable.


    I would start by getting a current uboot on to it then watch it boot on the serial port. Inspect the default env, see what env file it is reading, check it is loading the overlays etc.


  4. If /boot is not already a separate partition I would think there is not much advantage in making it one. The main problem is machines that need a FAT formatted boot partition, as FAT is so fragile. I don't know if your Tinkerboard is one. If /boot is on an ext4 partition then fscking at boot is going to be adequate protection in most cases.


    If you really want to mess with your partitions I think you will have to understand the boot process of your Tinkerboard in some detail. Does boot have to be the first partition? What filesystems are acceptable? What files need to be in it and what should they contain?

  5. Yes, assuming /boot is a separate partition. I do this with my Raspberry Pis as I have very unreliable power. I also set them to check filesystems on boot by adding fsck.mode=force to the kernel command line. On OSMC that is in /boot/cmdline.txt, on armbian it might be in /boot/uBoot.env, on a grub machine in /etc/default/grub (then run update-grub).

  6. #!/bin/bash
    if [ -n "$1" ];
    find $TOP -name "*.[maowf][povgklm][gvim]" -print | shuf -n 100 > randomplaylist
    mpv -fs -vf=pp=de --playlist=randomplaylist
    rm randomplaylist

    This will play 100 randomly selected files from /home/share/video/music and subdirectories or whatever directory you pass on the command line.

  7. Take the SD card out and put it into another machine. Copy the whole card as an image. To restore you just copy it back. On Linux I would use dd for this:

    sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=backup.img bs=1M status=progress

    making sure you have the right dev. It should not be mounted while you do this.

    On Windows... Balena Etcher?

  8. If you are using WPA then you probably don't have RADIUS as that is for central auth in enterprise environments, usually they use PEAP.

    That doesn't necessarily rule out OpenSSL as the culprit though.

    I get the same error as you at work but have no problem at home where my router runs OpenWRT.

    Perhaps there is a menu option in your router for firmware updates.


    You could try the workaround suggested in the link I posted:

    > > adding this to /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf fixes the issue.
    > >
    > > [system_default_sect]
    > > Options = UnsafeLegacyRenegotiation

    It may not be quite that simple, it didn't work for me.


    Alternatively, you could get hold of another router (gl-inet.com) that you can connect to and hook it up to your main router with a cable from WAN to LAN ports.

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