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Posts posted by ParadoxX27

  1. On 26.01.2017 at 3:15 AM, jernej said:

    Ah, I again misread your OP, sorry.


    So, if you want to wake-up by GPIO, then you have to specify wanted pin in FEX. Find something like:

    wakeup_src_bt = port:PL03<6><default><default><0>

    You can add some wakeup_src_* entries here. Full name of the entry doesn't matter, but it must start with "wakeup_src_" You have to reboot before it will take an effect.


    I saw USB mentioned as wake up event, but I'm not sure how to set it up.


    On 26.01.2017 at 6:27 AM, jernej said:

    Addition: Pin should be pulled up to 3V3 and when you want to wake it up, you have to connect pin to GND. Check schematic for any other board, which has power button.

    Did so:

    wakeup_src_gpio = port:PG07<6><default><default><0>
    echo 199 > /sys/class/gpio/export
    echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio199/direction
    echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio199/value

    Does not work. What is the problem?


    p.s. Orange PI PC with OpenELEC.

  2. None of those boards were meant to be used this way so this is not implemented AFAIK. Only standby / resume and that should work out of the box.


    Or this happen when screen saver kicks in and you don't use Armbian desktop?

    I compiled and included image hibernation. After the command "systemctl hibernate" OPi goes into hibernation, but it does not wake up when the power is reconnected, hanging on a black screen. I guess, the system can not properly restore data from a swap, but normally goes into hibernation.
    Maybe it is possible to somehow fix it?
    ps Sorry for my English, I use a translator.
  3. Hello!

    The problem is that the system goes into hibernation, but does not resume - just a black screen. It helps only the power reset.

    What's the matter? What's wrong with the resume from hibernation?

    Please help!

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