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  1. This is what I am still struggling to find with reasonable price. Can you reccomend something?
  2. It takes me much more time to read the stuff than to you to write. At the beginning I did not know if it is software or hardware related issue, therefore I posted the problem here and on LeMedia forum. There I got no answer, but here you provided me a bunch of very important points. Ok, so generally the easiest way for me would be to buy an externally power supplier HDD case with SATA output that I could plug directly to the board.
  3. Clear, so I think the voltage drop on microUSB comes from that part, correct? Still, I see that people are powering drives from the SATA power, like below. Having that in mind - how should I supply the power to Pi now?
  4. Ok, so one more thing. If I get it correctly, I should supply current to SATA, but in the picture I see that it is marked as output. Why? Therefore, should I use a normal desktop ATX power supply? I guess it will be much margin left with that piece of hardware. Or is it the other way around and I should leave Pi's power supply as it is and use something like that to supply HDD from SATA port?
  5. I skimmed through the topic seeing that very powerful supply is used (8 A!), while currently I have 2 A for board + 0,5 A for HDD. Should it not be enough? In some topics on LeMaker forum people said it used to work for them with just active USB HUB without changing BPi's power supply.
  6. I have read through the forum that Banana Pi Pro does not support directly powering drive over USB as it might be too much for this board. In my setup I use 2 A power adapter for my Banana Pi and an active HUB with power supply of 1 A, but with limit of 500 mA for HDD. Still, when connecting HUB to Banana Pi and HDD to HUB the same issue appears as when no HUB is used - the red diode turns off and Banana Pi looses power. I have already tried several HDDs (500 GB, 320 GB, 2 TB) - all with the same result. Anyone has some idea why this might be occuring despite powering drives from external source? Does Armbian have any software limitations that are creating this issue? Also, may it be more beneficial to plug HDD using SATA? Does the rule of external power supply also apply in this case?
  7. Actually I have tried also to compile Jarvis from official git. I tried to look for the tools you have written, but still could not find them. Nevertheless, of not this then what to run Kodi? Cannot think of any other way.
  8. Maybe somebody would be so kind to create image of Armbian with that drivers? I have spent many hours on trying to make it work, but with no success so far.
  9. Ok, I installed eveything and I am having this things again when running globs: libGL error: unable to load driver: mali_drm_dri.so libGL error: driver pointer missing libGL error: failed to load driver: mali_drm any clues?
  10. I have found a potential solution here: http://linux-sunxi.org/Xorg#fbturbo_driver- it says that autoreconf is breaking configure and it should be copied from git after running autoreconf. I will try that and check if it solves the issue.
  11. Ok, so I started this tutorial again on legacy desktop. I have issues when trying to compile xf86-video-fbturbo. It says: ./configure: line 18655: syntax error near unexpected token `RANDR,' ./configure: line 18655: `XORG_DRIVER_CHECK_EXT(RANDR, randrproto)' Also, before mali driver did not want to compile before I compiled and installed libdri2 and libump, because it was recognized as its dependencies. Any thoughts?
  12. I did. It is not clear enough how to make a patch out of git commit. This - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6658313/generate-a-git-patch-for-a-specific-commitis supposedly for a different purpose than to create a file that I could later use to patch my current kernel. Also, link that should point to tutorial how to apply patch on Armbian kernel is giving 404 - https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/master/documentation/geek-faq.md
  13. Yes, but it seems complicated now when I tried to go with that tutorial. How do I apply patch to the kernel? The rest is pretty simple, because it is cloning from git, compiling and installing. I think it requires cedarx, but there is no word about how to install it.
  14. My Banana Pi M1+ is A20, so this might not work. I have found this tutorial to make Kodi work with libvdpau-sunxi, will try it: https://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/614-hw-acceleration-kodi/ Eh, it is not easy to be Banana Pi owner if I want to have OMV and Kodi at one machine.
  15. I installed that, but nothing changed, unfortunately. I will try to experiment with Desktop. I guess, legacy would be better for this purpose, right?
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