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  1. Thanks robertoj. I'll try playing with the kernel when I get some time. Not sure that it is kernel-related though as the screen is picked up successfully during boot (just not displaying anything).
  2. Hi, It was working fine up to the update that broke the display, so no. My problem now is that I have very little time for this, so no progress since it broke. Your best approach would be tto post a new topic with as much detail as possible aboput what is not working. Post exactly how you installed and configured and output from dmesg. Posting to an existing thread covering a different topic is not great as it pulls the thread off-topic and is unlikely to attract the answers that you are looking for. Good luck getting it working.
  3. Hi. I have been running mainline on a Pine64 with mipi-dsi lcd Feiyang display since Focal release. I default application ran directly on framebuffer without X, with startup log rolling until the application loaded, but after recent update including kernel 6.6.44 the display is completely black, all the way from boot. I can see that the screen is being identified at boot, but not sure what else to check. Here are relevant lines from dmesg and modules: $ dmesg | grep mipi [ 10.113223] sun6i-mipi-dsi 1ca0000.dsi: Attached device fy07024di26a30d $ lsmod | grep fy0702* panel_feiyang_fy07024di26a30d 12288 0 Please can anyone say where should I continue checking? BR
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