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Posts posted by gebn

  1. On 4/13/2018 at 5:11 PM, peter12 said:


    Yes, I did. It was long time ago but I think it was something like reset latch pulse for LED at the start was needed.

    Same here, just got me a ws2813B strip (same as ws2812 but with a backup data line) and used hyperion.ng to drive with, edit to


    where unsigned spi_ptr = 3 and compiled, driving leds with 30000000 baudrate and have no issues.

  2. Spoiler

    hello all,
    I have compiled the latest kernel for the orange pi plus since i needed a kernel of at least 3.19rc1 due to the updated usbtv kernel module.
    Was just wondering if there are some steps outlined somewhere inorder to enable spidev? i dont get an spidev0 in /dev/. i have read through this board and also ran some searches but couldnt find anything of use except for patches for the OPi PC and on an older kernel i think

    Thanks and good day

    must have missed it alongst reading , still an early morning for me, will try martinayotte's arbienenv edit!

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