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    smaeul got a reaction from MX_Master in OpenRISC core (AR100) for the real-time tasks   
    @MX_Master If you didn't immediately leave IRC after saying something, I wouldn't have to keep logging in to the forum here 
    You mentioned using the MSGBOX for communication. I've written drivers for both sides of the MSGBOX (Linux and ARISC) that you can copy/modify from https://github.com/smaeul/linux/tree/msgbox and https://github.com/crust-firmware/crust/blob/master/drivers/msgbox/sunxi-msgbox.c, respectively. If you want to use more code from my firmware, I have a branch at https://github.com/smaeul/crust/tree/feature/more-boards with untested support for H3-based boards.
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    smaeul got a reaction from MX_Master in OpenRISC core (AR100) for the real-time tasks   
    @MX_Master Try booting with "iomem=relaxed" on your kernel command line. This will allow access to more of the address space from /dev/mem (see https://lwn.net/Articles/302048/).
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