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Posts posted by wijnen

  1. On 7/1/2017 at 7:51 PM, zador.blood.stained said:

    Orange Pi Zero wireless limitations and problems were already discussed several times in other threads, so I don't see any points in discussing the situation yet another time.


    I'm sorry for not making myself clear then.  I'm not asking for a discussion.  I'm asking for some pointers so I can see if it's worth my time to try to fix things.  Pointers to other forum threads are fine.  I didn't find anything of use myself, which is why I'm asking for pointers.




  2. I would also like to get the wireless of the Orange Pi Zero working fully.  Limited bandwidth is not a problem for my use case.  I'm a competent programmer, but normally try to stay away from kernel code.  If this isn't too much work, I'm willing to make an exception.  To know that, and also to get started, I need to know what needs to be done though.  My observations so far:

    1. When the xradio module is loaded, the load average is at least 1.0.  It seems to be busy waiting whenever it's not doing anything useful.  Unloading the module makes the system load reasonable (near 0).
    2. The wifi interface works, but when creating other virtual interfaces (iw dev wlan0 interface add), they show up as if they're working, but no communication is possible with them (they also don't find any networks when scanning).

    Please let me know where I should start if I want to fix things, so I can see if it's worth my time.



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