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Posts posted by Pandit

  1. 2 hours ago, tkaiser said:

    Don't do that, just don't do that, using those crappy Port Multipliers especially combined with a dog slow A20 is always wrong. If you need 5 disks with ARM you need the Clearfog Pro (and 2 ASM1061/ASM1062) with 4 disks the Helios4 is for you (if it gets funded, only 4 days left).

    Thanks for your quick reply , I read about  the Helios4. But I don't have any experience with kickstarter. for this project they need e$ 150.000. What will happen if they don't reach this amount?

    Second For this price there are x86 board available like the ASRock H110M-HDV & Intel Celeron G1820 & some RAM. What are the benefits of this ARM board over a small x86 board? More energyfriendly maybe?

  2. Hello


    I'm new here, I found this site by accident and is interesting so I created an account.


    I'm running a home server with a Athlon CPU for more then 7 years, with a lot of disks. The CPU is almost continently sleeping, so I want to make new server with an energy friendly ARM CPU.  I was inspired by an article here (http://www.instructables.com/id/Low-power-ARM-based-file-server-using-up-to-5-desk/) from a guy who create a NAS with a PcDuino3 Nano board and a sata splitter. Although this board have a native SATA interface, It has not the fasted ARM CPU. The banana PI M3 for instance has a much faster CPU, but no native SATA :-(


    I'm wandering which board Camilo Martin choosed. or my question is wat the best board is for a home server.


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