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  1. I am running a web page. I have a choice of a number of OSs on ssd cards (Debian , Ubuntu). They all work correctly on same video display and same cable 😊.
  2. Here is a photo of my problem. The system has discovered the right display settings but the actual display is wrong. Another thing that may be related (?) : Every few seconds the display goes blank momentarily.
  3. Hi Gunjan. The config.txt file does not have that line. I tried adding the line to the end of the config.txt file but this has not resolved the issue. Thanks for your reply anyway.
  4. Hi, I've been trying out the jammy image for the raspberry pi. (Raspberry pi 4b) I found a problem with the display settings. I am using a Dell display of 1440x900 In the display settings it show the right monitor and the correct settings but the actual display shows a 5cm black band at the right-hand side. And whatever I do makes no difference Anyone have an answer?
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