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  1. Hello, Software developer (web) from the Netherlands here. Just picked up a "X88 Pro 20" box from AliExpress: Link to AliExpress. I'm wondering if it is any good and if it will run armbian. I've looked at several other SoC's, but this one looked quite nice, especially at this price point (49 euros). I needed a bit more GPU power and RAM because i'm planning to do a electron (chromium+node.js) based home control app for the thing. If somebody got armbian working with some features (hardware acceleration is quite important), i would be thankful if you would like to share your thoughts and methods on how to install it since i'm (very) new to this whole SoC/SoB thing. I've just placed my order and it will arrive in about 4-10 days. I am always happy to test builds for it. Thanks so much, and have a nice week. - Alwin
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