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Posts posted by thomasgrzybowski

  1. Hi,


    I see where this bootcmd comes from - from the espressobin download page here.  I was just tryin' to follow directions.





    Updated u-boot needs new default boot environment and new boot script (overwrite the one on your /boot media – needed only if you upgrade from < v5.59). This is what you need to copy/paste into u-boot prompt:

    env default -a
    setenv fdt_addr 0x6000000
    setenv kernel_addr 0x7000000
    setenv loadaddr 0x8000000
    setenv initrd_size 0x2000000
    setenv initrd_addr 0x1100000
    setenv scriptaddr 0x6d00000
    setenv initrd_image uInitrd
    setenv boot_targets 'usb sata mmc1 mmc0'
    setenv boot_prefixes '/ /boot/'
    setenv bootcmd_mmc0 'setenv devnum 0; setenv boot_interface mmc; run scan_dev_for_boot;'
    setenv bootcmd_mmc1 'setenv devnum 1; setenv boot_interface mmc; run scan_dev_for_boot;'
    setenv bootcmd_sata 'setenv devnum 0; scsi scan; scsi dev 0; setenv boot_interface scsi; run scan_dev_for_boot;'
    setenv bootcmd_usb 'setenv devnum 0; usb start;setenv boot_interface usb; run scan_dev_for_boot;'
    setenv bootcmd 'for target in ${boot_targets}; do run bootcmd_${target}; done'
    setenv scan_dev_for_boot 'for prefix in ${boot_prefixes}; do echo ${prefix};run boot_a_script; done'
    setenv boot_a_script 'ext4load ${boot_interface} ${devnum}:1 ${scriptaddr} ${prefix}boot.scr;source ${scriptaddr};'
    # Including this line to make sure saveenv is executed.


    I'll try to follow your directions instead.



  2. So Jens,  I created a fresh microSD card, flashed with Armbian_5.59_Espressobin_Debian_stretch_next_4.18.6.img, and booted to the Marvell>> prompt.  Right away I see a problem:  At the Marvell>> prompt, after I enter "printenv bootcmd", I get a garbage string return:


    "for target in ${boot_targets}; do run bootcmd_${tesetenv scan_dev_for_boot for prefix in ${boot_prefixes; do echo ${prefix};run boot_a_script; done". 


    Should I change it to "run boot_armbian"? 




  3. I goofed-up my espressobin install and need to recover and start over.


    Here is what happened (to my embarrassment):


    I recently obtained a 1GB espressobin from Amazon.com.  I flashed the Armbian_5.59_Espressobin_Debian_stretch_next_4.18.6.img to a Sandisk Ultra and booted the board. The marvell>> prompt came up just fine, and I used the command bubt .flash-image-1g-1cs-800_800.bin spi usb to load the flash binary from my usb drive.  But I did not know at the time that the correct flash to use was actually flash-image-1g-1cs-1000_800.bin.  But my worse mistake was applying the script given on the instruction page, where it says: "Updated u-boot needs new default boot environment and new boot script (overwrite the one on your /boot media – needed only if you upgrade from < v5.59). This is what you need to copy/paste into u-boot prompt:".  I guess I was supposed to use the script at https://dl.armbian.com/espressobin/u-boot/bootscript/ ?   I tried to apply that script after the mistake, but it generated errors.


    So now when I try to boot the board, this is the kind output I get on my minicom:

    ## Error: "bootcmd_" not defined
    ** Bad device : 0x6d00000 **
    ## Executing script at 06d00000
    Wrong image format for "source" command

    So this is a mess.  How do I go about recovering and getting back on track?





  4. Igor: "The build I am running on my NanoPC-T4 is showing all 6 cores."


    Igor: "If you build an image with build tools now, DVFS is partially broken on two cores since sources were switched to Ayufan's repo and they need further adjustments (WIP). Perhaps this is the problem?"


    Great!  I'm gonna get me one of these, and will use the Download build instead of building one myself, for now.


    Thanks much!


  5. Hi,


    I'm thinking of purchasing one of these boards.  The CPU specs look very promising: CPU: big.LITTLE,Dual-Core Cortex-A72(up to 2.0GHz) + Quad-Core Cortex-A53(up to 1.5GHz).  BUT, from what I read, only the Dual-Core Cortex-A72 is available to use from existing builds.  What can the Quad-Core Cortex-A53 be used-for?  Can I access these cores in any way?  




  6. Hi,


    I'm trying to use the emmc device located on the Pine64LTS - not neccessarily to boot (though that would be nice).  I'm employing a 16GB FORESEE card, which I obtained from the Pine folks.


    First I installed the Stable SoPine64 Armbian_5.30_Pine64so_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.10.105 image from the Download web page.  When I booted the image from an microSD card, only /dev/mmcblk0 showed up - no /dev/mmcblk1.  When I tried to boot from the image loaded on the emmc card, the boot failed.


    Next I tried to build a more up-to-date image, using:

    git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/armbian/build
    cd build

    And using the choices for the Pine64so legacy kernel and the full desktop build.  Again the same result: no /dev/mmcblk1.  So, I'm wondering - is it possible to utilize the emmc device on this board (one of its big attractions).




  7. Cool - rebooted without the ethernet cable, and wifi came right up.  Also able to successfully run transfer the results of armbianmonitor -u:


    /var/log/armhwinfo.log has been uploaded to http://sprunge.us/PhLR
    Please post the URL in the Armbian forum where you've been asked for.


    I'm happy this all works now - thanks everyone for your advice.  Would we expect the standard network tools to be used when this image is in production?

  8. Wow!  When I plugged-in an ethernet cable and then ran nmtui-connect again (sorry), the wireless interface showed up.  I was then able to activate it!  Now this is a little strange to me.  Here are the results from iwconfig:


    lo        no wireless extensions.

    wlx0013ef800c58  IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:"verizon"  Nickname:"<WIFI@REALTEK>"
              Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: 00:25:9C:13:CE:8B   
              Bit Rate:72.2 Mb/s   Sensitivity:60/0  
              Retry:off   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
              Encryption key:off
              Power Management:off
              Link Quality=95/100  Signal level=-60 dBm  Noise level=0 dBm
              Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
              Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

    p2p0      unassociated  Nickname:"<WIFI@REALTEK>"
              Mode:Managed  Frequency=2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated   
              Retry:off   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
              Encryption key:off
              Power Management:off
              Link Quality=0/100  Signal level=0 dBm  Noise level=0 dBm
              Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
              Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

    eth0      no wireless extensions.

    I have also attached the results of armbianmonitor -u, which did not transport (I wonder why not)

    /var/log/armhwinfo.log has been uploaded to gzip: /var/log/armhwinfo.log.1.gz: No such file or directory
    Please post the URL in the Armbian forum where you've been asked for.



    Opps, no such file:  cannot access '/var/log/armhwinfo.log.1.gz': No such file or directory


    Now, a general question, not to be critical, but I'm curious - why ARE we using nmtui  and nmtui-connect instead of the standard tools?

  9. Hmm, OK, I removed everything from /etc/network/interfaces, other than the loopback device.  Removed everything under  /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/.  Rebooted the machine  to make things clean.  Then ran nmtui-connect.  Some progress:  I now see a "Wired connection 1" there, where there was nothing before.  Too bad I was expecting to see Wireless connection"   Anyway, when I hit <Activate> I get the message:


    Could not activate connection: 'Connection 'Wired connection 1' is not available on the device eth0 at this time.


    I'll next provide the info from iwconfig and armbianmonitor -u. 



  10. Also interesting:


    $ifup --force wlx0013ef800c58
    Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.3.3
    Copyright 2004-2015 Internet Systems Consortium.
    All rights reserved.
    For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/

    Listening on LPF/wlx0013ef800c58/00:13:ef:80:0c:58
    Sending on   LPF/wlx0013ef800c58/00:13:ef:80:0c:58
    Sending on   Socket/fallback
    DHCPDISCOVER on wlx0013ef800c58 to port 67 interval 3 (xid=0xcb025177)
    DHCPDISCOVER on wlx0013ef800c58 to port 67 interval 3 (xid=0xcb025177)
    DHCPDISCOVER on wlx0013ef800c58 to port 67 interval 3 (xid=0xcb025177)
    DHCPDISCOVER on wlx0013ef800c58 to port 67 interval 8 (xid=0xcb025177)
    DHCPDISCOVER on wlx0013ef800c58 to port 67 interval 12 (xid=0xcb025177)




  11. OK, some further progress - I think - I hope...


    Running nmtui, I supplied wlx0013ef800c58 in the device field.  And it echoed back a hardware address in parentheses.  I also supplied the local wan SSID.  I rebooted the machine, but when I tried to activate the connection with nmtui or nmtui-connect, still no device shows up.


    Looking in the syslog file, I see this:


    Oct 29 23:45:02 localhost dhclient[819]: DHCPDISCOVER on wlx0013ef800c58 to port 67 interval 12 (xid=0xdb228974)
    Oct 29 23:45:02 localhost sh[650]: DHCPDISCOVER on wlx0013ef800c58 to port 67 interval 12 (xid=0xdb228974)
    Oct 29 23:45:04 localhost ntpd[761]: error resolving pool 1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org: Name or service not known (-2)
    Oct 29 23:45:05 localhost ntpd[761]: error resolving pool ntp.ubuntu.com: Name or service not known (-2)
    Oct 29 23:45:05 localhost ntpd[761]: error resolving pool 3.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org: Name or service not known (-2)
    Oct 29 23:45:14 localhost dhclient[819]: DHCPDISCOVER on wlx0013ef800c58 to port 67 interval 12 (xid=0xdb228974)
    Oct 29 23:45:14 localhost sh[650]: DHCPDISCOVER on wlx0013ef800c58 to port 67 interval 12 (xid=0xdb228974)


    Seems a problem with DHCP?   And I don't understand how we can be getting this far when the device does not even show any activity in ifconfig. 

  12. Hi,


    I did read the documentation, or at least perused it, and had tried nmtui-connect, but did not mention it.  The reason I did not mention it was that it does not show ANY wifi connection.  Maybe the warning on the driver is well-taken?  Has anyone been able to use a Realtek 8188EU USB WiFi?  Maybe my device is flawed?



  13. Yes sir, I did not "refuse" to provide armbianmonitor -u, i just didn't do it, not being connected to the network and not realizing what it was.  Anyway, this is the result of the command:


    armbianmonitor -u
    /var/log/armhwinfo.log has been uploaded to 
    Please post the URL in the Armbian forum where you've been asked for.


    Thanks again!

  14. Hmmm - no luck.  Then next I took out all references to network devices (other than the loopback device) from  /etc/network/interfaces.  Still no luck - no network connection, that is. 


    Should I try messing around with the contents of /etc/network/interfaces.r1  ?



  15. Hi,


    looks like we are making progress;


    armbianmonitor.log shows the device, as expected,

    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0bda:8179 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188EUS 802.11n Wireless Network Adapter


    Ifconfig shows the device info:

    wlx0013ef800c58 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:13:ef:80:0c:58

    (I think that is it - sure is a strange device name - seems to be derived from the HWaddr)


    And I can use modprobe to load the firmware (though that does not seem to be necessary at this point)

    modprobe -f r8188eu


    But alas, no activity:

    wlx0013ef800c58 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:13:ef:80:0c:58  
              UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame
              TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

    OK, next step - I'm going to put This in my /etc/network/interfaces config file:

    auto wlx0013ef800c58
    allow-hotplug wlx0013ef800c58
    iface wlx0013ef800c58 inet dhcp


    Be right back...







  16. OK, I have installed the armbian-firmware package, and I even see the firmware drivers I need for my wifi dongle:




    I reboot, but the wlan0 device still does not show up:


    ip link set wlan0 up
    Cannot find device "wlan0"


    And... I can't seem to get modprobe to load the firmware;


    modprobe -f rtl8188eu
    modprobe: FATAL: Module rtl8188eu not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.77-rk3328


    Anyone know what to do here?



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