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Posts posted by triglm

  1. I'm trying to get Bluetooth BLE to work on the NanoPi Neo Air. I've got it working on my Raspberry PI 3 under Raspbian Stretch, but I haven't had any luck getting to work on the NanoPi NEO. I'm using Armbian Stretch 

    # uname -a
    Linux nanopiair 4.14.18-sunxi #24 SMP Fri Feb 9 16:24:32 CET 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux

    But when I run...

    hciconfig -a

    returns nothing and so does

    hcitool dev

    I tried @Henrik Larsson commands listed above, but when I do...

    #hciattach /dev/ttyS3 bcm43xx 115200 flow bdaddr 43:29:B1:55:01:01
    Initialization timed out.

    The Initialization times out.

    I noticed there is a similar set of commands already in /etc/init.d/ap6212-bluetooth

    Does anyone have Bluetooth working with Armbian Stretch on the Nanopi Air? Should I try another distro? another Kernel?


  2. Hello,

    I'm trying to get the gstreamer pipeline to work with the i.MX h.264 hardware encoder and decoder. I've installed Trusty Vinilla http://mirror.igorpecovnik.com/Armbian_4.90_Cubox-i_Ubuntu_trusty_4.4.1.zip on a Hummingboard-Gate and followed the instructions for setting up the i.MX Gstreamer plugins here: 



    gst-inspect-1.0 reports...

    $ gst-inspect-1.0 | grep imx
    imxvpu:  imxvpudec: Freescale VPU video decoder
    imxvpu:  imxvpuenc_h263: Freescale VPU h.263 video encoder
    imxvpu:  imxvpuenc_h264: Freescale VPU h.264 video encoder
    imxvpu:  imxvpuenc_mpeg4: Freescale VPU MPEG-4 video encoder
    imxvpu:  imxvpuenc_mjpeg: Freescale VPU motion JPEG video encoder
    imxv4l2videosrc:  imxv4l2videosrc: V4L2 CSI Video Source
    imxg2d:  imxg2dvideosink: Freescale G2D video sink
    imxg2d:  imxg2dvideotransform: Freescale G2D video transform
    imxg2d:  imxg2dcompositor: Freescale G2D video compositor

    But when I try to run a pipeline with gst-launch-1.0 that includes imxvpudec I get the error message:

    [ERR]	Can't open /dev/mxc_vpu: No such file or directory
    [ERR]	IOSystemInit() failure.
    ERROR: Pipeline doesn't want to pause.
    ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstImxVpuDecoder:imxvpudecoder0: Could not initialize supporting library.
    Additional debug info:
    gstvideodecoder.c(2131): gst_video_decoder_change_state (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstImxVpuDecoder:imxvpudecoder0:
    Failed to start decoder
    Setting pipeline to NULL ...
    Freeing pipeline ...

    I have tried rebooting, but the driver still isn't listed. I've made sure to have followed the step to install the firmware...

    $ ls -al /lib/firmware/vpu
    total 512
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   4096 Feb  7 07:33 .
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root root   4096 Feb  7 07:32 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 253968 Feb  7 07:33 vpu_fw_imx6d.bin
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 253968 Feb  7 07:33 vpu_fw_imx6q.bin

     What step am I missing? How do I get the proper device driver loaded? 

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