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  1. I only found mainline source code and it didn't even have Cubietruck config available. Should I use some Git command to get community maintained source acive?
  2. Hello again. As I am not any kind of an expert in this, I would like to ask if there was anything I can do to add the patch in it?
  3. If I remember it right, NAND problems were related to a weird original configuration where it was divided into two parts. First part was used "as is", but the second used eec or some kind of scrambling. First part had U-boot and maybe uImage while second part had everythin else. This structure was not easy to be used by third part developers. I have myself a configuration where U-boot and U-boot environment still stands on NAND, but everything else is on SATA disk. U-boot version is 2019.04 because I did not manage to make any more resent version work. Advantage of this conf is that I can boot it without SD card.
  4. I was about to try compiling it myself, but didn't find source. There seems to be only main branch.
  5. I managed to put nand drivers back to u-boot 2019.04 so that u-boot and u-boot environment can be booted solely from nand. Then I managed to put Armbian on a sata disc so that SD-card is not needed at all. It just took some editing in armbianEnv.txt, fstab and boot.cmd and file copying after sata-install. It would be nice if Armbian could yet be updated to some more reasent version. If it only takes this one kernel driver patch.
  6. Thanks. I know it's a way too old device. I don't expect it to be maintained regularly, but since it still hangs around as a community maintained device, I just wanted to know if someone else has this problem and has some solution for it. Maybe I'm the only one to have this trouble. If nobody else even tried to use it connected to a TV set by HDMI. It's just annoying if there is some bug that can be fixed but it comes back after next update. Can you tell me what file was edited in the "cure" seen in above links? I didn't find exact location, but I would like to try it again.
  7. Hello, I have't used my old Cubietruck for years but would like to use it again in a project. I downloaded the new Armbian version: Armbian_community_25.2.0-trunk.124_Cubietruck_noble_current_6.6.62_xfce_desktop.img and installed it. There is console display just fine through HDMI, but not graphical display. There seems to be some trouble before as in this discussion: I downloaded this image: https://github.com/IGNNE/cubietruck-armbian-unofficial/releases/ and it seems to work. But when it updates itself, the graphics is gone again. So - is there some old driver mess back again or what? Is there any cure available for this diseace?
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