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Posts posted by JulesJ

  1. I wanted to share my workaround of setting the proper resolution on both, console and Xorg:

    Display: Generic 5 inch 800x480 HDMI "Waveshare V2" clone

    Kernel: mainline


    Proper/usual way of doing it:

    1. Edit uboot/dtb display variable -> does not work currently because only a few resolutions are supported (848x480 is the closest).

    2. Add a new mode with "xrandr" and "gtf or cvt" ->  but "cvt 800 480 60" does yield a modeline which totally glitches out the display.


    Possible workaround:

    1. Set linux console to 800x480: "sudo fbset -g 800 480 800 480 32"

    2. Edit or create something similar to "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/01-armbian-defaults.conf" and add:

    Section "Device"
    	Identifier	"fbdev device"
    	Driver		"fbdev"

    3. Start the Xserver.


    For me this effectively disables the Xserver's self-configuration and thus it looks for the resolution that was set prior by fbset. Since that is set to 800x480, Xserver picks it up.

    This however also breaks the "randr" extension, so no live screen rotation and stuff, which is a pity.

    If you want to rotate the screen you have to add the following instead:

    Section "Device"
    	Identifier	"fbdev device"
    	Driver		"fbdev"
    	Option		"ShadowFB" "true"
    	Option		"Rotate" "CW" #Clockwise

    So yeah, to conclude - its a pretty hacky solution and someone might hopefully find a more suitable one.




  2. On 1/21/2018 at 10:31 PM, King Beetle said:

    Sadly, i can report the same issue on my system.  It worked faultlessly for about 30 minutes, then crashed in the exact same manner:

    Thank you trying it out


    By now i can confirm that it works on mainline kernel, but the whole point is to use mali accleration of the old kernel.

    So we have to hope either on mainline gpu accleration or a spi fix for the legacy kernel. Meanwhile i resorted to using an HDMI based 3.5 inch display, which is obviously more expensive and power hungry, but does the job for now.


  3. Hi there, currently having the same issue with an 3.5 inch LCD. (ili9486) on a OPI One (kernel 3.4.113)

    This command brings up the display: modprobe fbtft_device rotate=90 name=piscreen speed=16000000 gpios=reset:2,dc:71 txbuflen=32768 fps=25

    But the screen hangs after some seconds of usage with the same "120 sec kworker timout" as above.

    Since this happens on multiple boards with legacy kernel, there must be someone who solved this!?

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