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  1. I was very happy to realize that the raspberry is now also supported. Many have waited a long time for this. I immediately wrote an article about it on gnulinux.ch. Hopefully this will not be a half-hearted project. I also think it would be an advantage if Armbian would appear as a distribution on the Raspberry download page
  2. i found a running task on friendlyelec desktop called "pwm fan" But i found no more informations how to connect a pwm fan to the Nanopi M4 Which pins are needed to connect ? Can i use a normal 5V Fan or is a special Fan needed ? Anyone aware of this ?
  3. thats exactly what i wanted to know Many thanks Igor ....next time i read the manual first :-)
  4. Hello, yesterday i see that the SATA Hat for the Nanopi is available now is it possible to install Armbian on a SSD when i use the Sata Hat ? Or is the EMMC or SD Card required for the OS ?
  5. So far everything works well momentary Currently tested are the Friendlyelec Bionic Image on EMMC and the Armbian Image on SD card. The Friendlyelec works smoothly on the EMMC card. Except for the problem that you have to switch manually between HDMI and 3.5mm jack.
  6. I'm talking about the Armbian image, of course. But the script seems to have worked despite the error message. Audio is now output as intended on the 3.5 mm jack.
  7. When i try the command i always get this message Found hardware: "realtek_rt5651-" "" "" "" "" Hardware is initialized using a generic method alsactl: set_control:1325: failed to obtain info for control #19 (No such file or directory) No state is present for card rockchiphdmi Found hardware: "rockchip_hdmi" "" "" "" "" Hardware is initialized using a generic method No state is present for card rockchiphdmi I want to use the 3,5 mm jack for Audio not the HDMI
  8. lol.........no the SD Card is the newest and fastest Sandisk with 32 GB and it works perfect in my Odroid XU4 The reason was the old Friendlyelec Bionic Image that i have used Today i download the last one and it works much better Apt operations work fine and fast now I also have used the hint from NicoD to make the EMMC Card working ...thank for that Is the workaround over an SD Card also needed for Armbian ? Tomorrow i try the newest Armbian Image and im sure it will work like a charm Thanks to all the good guys here and specially Igor and his team for the greaat Job in the past and hopefully in the future I first heard about him when i got my new Cubietruck and its still supported until now !!!!!
  9. many thanks for the helpful hints I'll try it out as soon as I can and report the outcome
  10. Hi you say that the FriendlyArm Image is not so bad But.......its a nightmare to install or update software with the FriendlyArm Image using apt Sometimes it takes hours to upgrade the packages after a fresh install With my Odroid XU4 and Armbian it is done in some minutes Starting programs has always a delay for seconds before something happens Actually I run FriendlyArm (Bionic) with an SD card On EMMC module it dont start for unknown reasons I will try the new Armbian next days
  11. When can I expect a final Armbian image for the Nanopi M4 ? I'm eagerly awaiting it and many others will surely be too The image of friendlyarm is simply an imposition You have the feeling of being on the road with the handbrake on.
  12. I have Armbian running on my NanoPi M4 Everything is fine but.............. I have massive problems with pulseaudio Im not able to get the sound working So i tried to deinstall pulseaudio and install Alsa After that i dont see anything regarding sound in settings menu or on the taskbar For unknown reasons the wallpaper has resettet Anyone who has a solution ?
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