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Posts posted by DarkDeveloper

  1. Hi,


    I am posting from work, so do not currently have access to my MXQ box, meaning what I am about to explain is based on last nights attempt at running Armbian from a SDCard


    I will try to be as detailed as I can....


    I have been following a tutorial at the MXQProject website in order to install the Mate Armbian distro (5.41) onto a MXQ / S805 Android box (although I have chosen to use the XFCE distro instead).


    All seems to goes well, until I get to the first Armbian login prompt (the bit where I enter 'root' as the user and '1234' as the password).


    As I understand the MXQProject tutorial, after successfully logging in as root, I should be asked to create a new user prior to actually logging into the GUI.


    On first boot, the boot process pauses and displays what appears to be the top of the login prompt ('GNU Linux  tty1') at the very very bottom of the monitor screen. Unfortunately,  I cannot see the actual login prompt (which I presume is being displayed on the next line, off screen)


    If I reboot at this point, Armbian seems to load past the same point and subsequently displays the GUI with Login box.


    If I type in the root (as user) and the password(1234), the login box displays a message (with a blue background) with words to the effect that the password is changing - after that, I cannot seem to bypass the login prompt (regardless of what I may type in)


    I have tried this process twice on two different monitors, and using two different SDCards (both with the Armbian image burnt to the card using etcher).


    Would anybody be able to advise on how to overcome this obstacle?


    Thanks in advance



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