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Posts posted by zikzak

  1. Is the Ethernet issue fixed?

    If so, how can I fix it?


    cat /etc/*-release
    BOARD_NAME="Le potato"
    BOARD_NAME="Le potato"
    PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
    NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
    VERSION="9 (stretch)"


    I still have issues, when I upload via SCP after a couple of seconds I lose the connectivity and I have to power down the board.

  2. Indeed I never got the fan working on these pins behind the jack connector.

    At some point I used the GPIO (pins 4 and 6 if I remember well) but the fan was blowing full speed and made way too much noise.

    Eventually, I destroyed the fan as it doesn't spin any more.

  3. Sure, but my question was about the M3.


    Then an extra question, is the fan spinning full speed on the NanoPi A64 too? Or is it controlled based on the temperature?

  4. Hey, did you plug the fan via the two pins they show on their pictures (next to the audio jack)?

    In my case I never saw the fan spinning if I connect it to these pins.

    FA support is not able to answer to my questions about it. They consider the fan broken despite I told them that applying 5v and Ground to it make it spin quite fast and it becomes very noisy (not what they advertise on their site).

  5. Because I simply considered to go the other way around, I do not high speed and something collecting dust because it will be on for 15 minutes and doing nothing at all the rest of the time and taking quite some room.


    That what I like in the simplicity of a Single Board Computer, it doesn't eat a crazy amount of energy, it is dead silent and it is very discreet.

    I really do not need a powerhouse machine. Actually I always aimed at low power CPUs (I used an Atom 270 until its PSU and fan failed).

    The simpler the better.

  6. Ok, so if it is perfectly safe to let it run at 80°C and up my current test will succeed, which is a transcoding (VP8 and Opus) of a 2h DVD in total silence, time is not of the essence but stability is.

    Obviously this temprature is not taken at the surface of the heatsink so the heat is exchanged properly, human would not support to touch a surface above 40°C without noticing the pain.


    I agree that the gathering the data from early adpoters and newbies will result in unreliable results at first but ultimately it would prevent users to purchase board and complain afterward. I compalined about this board temperature issues and seeked information from armbian Forum and your expertise because that's the most reliable source of information. Armbian rocks!

    I'll continue to visit Armbian when new boards show up in order to see what the experts have to say about them ;-)

  7. I'm fine with a throttling when passing 80°c, I do not want to jeopardize the stability of the hardware. 1GHz is still faster than teh Raspberry2 anyway.


    By board ranking I meant some comparison about features, the quantified ones (number of cores, frequency, power usage, price etc.) and the not-quatified ones (video capabilities, emulation, heatsink required etc.).

    Early adopters would return the information I guess. A simple form would help to gather the information. The idea is that new users could aim for the best board for their usage.

  8. I was not aware before purchasing it that it was that bad. I have a Rasp2 and it works fine so I believed that the H3 at 1.2GHz would replace it nicely.


    I applied the changed so now the lowest frequecy is 480MHz and the temperature is at 46°C.

    Then I compiled mplayer and 81°C was reached and the frequency dropped from 1.2GHz to 1GHz, eventually the compliation was successful.




    I'm glad that armbian provides support where the manufacturer doesn't. Otherwise this hardware would be useless.


    Is there a topic ranking the board supported by Armbian? With pros and cons for newcomers like me to make a sound choice.

  9. So eventually I decided to take time to plug back the Orange Pi One with its shiny heatsink. Idle is at 50°C.

    Fully loaded went up to 70°C.


    I'll see to stress it over a long period (transcoding DVD content), without a heatsink I reached 90°C so for sure there is quite an improvement and these boards should not be sold without one IMHO.

  10. Faster than other SOC at 648MHz but you must mean it is when using the HW decoding part.

    My use is an headless device and I do not think that ffmpeg will benefit of the HW decoding to then encode to VP8.


    I'll not run a device at 90°c, that's borderline insane if you ask me. I'll wait for the heatsink to arrive, taht's a bit unfortunate because for once I have a SBC that is well supported by a community. The armbian image worked flawlessly rightaway. Just some faq entries are not applicable (certainly not up to date).


    For a sub-$10, this SBC is more of a test for me while I wait for Olimex to release a better design. I had a olinuxino-A10 from them and it worked fine for at least a year until it simply stopped doing so :)

  11. I saw the details on a wikipage (sunxi?) but unfortunately that's the kind of important details you do not know before people purchase the board and encounter the first problem of the faulty design.

    In the end I get cheap product for cheap, no wonder ^_^


    If the hardware can sustain the heat (and so selfprotect from damages) I'm ok with that. As I said I plan to replace the RPi2 with the Orange Pi One so if the performances are on a par or better with the latter it's all good.

    Heatsinks are ordered, meanwhile I'll keep the board aside and use the Rpi2 again.

  12. Oh I do not expect stellar performances but on the long run the it suits my needs. Small, silent, and reliable... Well the latter not entirely true with this new MHz race in ARM cpus.

    Talking about massive heatsinks I also have an Odroid U2, never worked properly though.


    Current task of my ARM boards are a webserver, the PI2 to encode my DVDs to SD content (VP8 + Opus, VP9 is too cpu intensive to encode on this hardware). Orange Pi One was supposed to replace it nicely and the PI2 turned into an gaming system via retropie.


    If you are sure that the Orange Pi One can run at 70°C 648MHz for a week (transcoding video) then I'll let it do that, heatsink will sake its skin.

  13. I did not remember the exact figures so I believe you are right and that the value was exactly 648MHz.

    I'll order a heatsink but even without it I can't believe they released a board that go up to 90°c in a couple of seconds without noticing it.

    I was compling mplayer when I saw via rpimonitor the report.

    I wanted to upgrade the kernel too but the procedure is failing on the second step (time ou on: apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 0x93D6889F9F0E78D5).

    The easy way failed too with some syntax errors around line 73 if I remember well (wget -q -O - http://upgrade.armbian.com| bash).


    My purpose for this cheap SBC will be video transcoding, I'm patient I do not need a noisy powerhouse but neither do I need something almost able to boil water ^_^

    Before that it was a Raspberry 2 performing the task, slowly but surely. The Orange Pi One is supposed to be more powerful.


    If you have any advice while I wait for the heatsink and some other part to arrive I'm all hears.

  14. I finally decided to give armbian a try on my Orange Pi One.

    Started without any issue and then I noticed that the 50°c idle. Sounds a bit high.

    I compliled mplayer with j3 and saw the temperature reaching 90°c then throttling down the frequency to 600MHz with a temperature of 70°c.

    Ultimately this board is nowhere faster than a RPI2 if it is stuck to 600MHz under heavy load.

    Or my Orange PI One has a serious problem.


    Any advice?

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