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  1. Please, why don't you accept the reality: Sinovoip sending out broken hardware as 'gift' or 'developer sample'! Your device is one of these crapboards and you know it already. You want to play games? Please do so! With whatever hardware you find. And if it's not working simply throw it in the bin. @Igorand others: can we please stop wasting our time with shitty hardware? Fiddling around with broken BPi M2+ PCB rev 1.0 crap with potentially wrong schematics? If this 'famous company' wants to improve they should stop sending out broken crap to developers but the hardware users will later have in hands. But they don't even get this. @Tido If you want BT working do it on your own on your broken board, check their github repo what they changed now and then (you know that they don't even care having wrong hardware descriptions for their own stuff on Github!), use their forum to get in contact with BPi M2+ owners that have the later PCB revisions and as soon as you come up with a working solution for PCB rev 1.1 using AP6212 and also for later PCBs using AP6212A then send a PR against Armbian repo that works for every M2+ out there. BTW: This OtakuNekoP guy is one of those Banana folks! He also hangs around in linux-sunxi IRC. That's their way to deal with their own hardware failures. Providing a 'fix' one year later in their forum in such a way.
  2. nand-sata-install is (must be) on all our images since ages, but the problem is that this board is (far?) away from official support. We are still working on it, H5 kernel is under development, builds are untested ... Chip, used on the board, is reliable, but I don't know if anyone already try to bring up BT on this board. Don't know. Check here: https://github.com/armbian/build/commits/master There are more issues than our spare time. General - start here: https://docs.armbian.com/Process_Contribute/ Specific - check this script - you need it for enabling BT, but perhaps some adjustment is needed. https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/scripts/ap6212-bluetooth What we also find out is, that this chip (AP6212A) needs new firmware at least for Wireless.
  3. I believe that the new variant is called AP6212A and it can be read clearly on the chip (see @matheweispicture above)
  4. I would prefer that someone tests whether this firmware variant is sufficient for both AP6212A and older AP6212. Since then we could just throw the older variants away and replace them with the new firmware.
  5. I know and that's why I'm asking a NanoPi Air owner for help Unfortunately I can't help with Air right now since I don't find those little guys (too small ). But I remembered that we could convince FriendlyELEC to drop partially Allwinner's BSP stuff so maybe we find the necessary bits over there: https://github.com/friendlyarm/linux/commits/sunxi-4.11.y (funnily the redesigned NanoPi NEO Plus 2 to avoid XR819 there and replace it with AP6212A)
  6. Nothing changed on NanoPi Air except AP6212 vs AP6212A --> adjustment of firmware paths is all that's needed.
  7. Talking back then about NanoPi NEO Plus 2. Not so surprisingly FriendlyELEC discovered what a shit show XR819 is and did what? Replaced it with AP6212A instead: https://github.com/friendlyarm/linux/commits/sunxi-4.11.y On the bright side: We could convince them to focus on mainline kernel and for a certain amount of boards they're already at it
  8. Like Sn0wblind, I too can't get my NanoPi Neo Air with AP6212A to work with the nightly build. The fw_bcm43438a1_apsta.bin and fw_bcm43438a1.bin in /lib/firmware/ap6212/ are present but when I run nmtui, it shows nothing to activate. iwconfig shows no wifi. I even tried substituting the firmware files from the Friendly Arm distribution, which includes some additional files, but no good.
  9. Exactly the same situation here. NanoPi Neo Air board with AP6212A and Armbian_5.27.170428 nightly. The fw_bcm43438a1_apsta.bin and fw_bcm43438a1.bin in /lib/firmware/ap6212/ are present Bootlog: [FAILED] Failed to start LSB: Patch firmware for ap6212 adapter. See 'systemctl status ap6212-bluetooth.service' for details.
  10. It seems that the latest Nano Pi Neo Air Boards and the relatively new Orange Pi Zero Plus 2 both use a modified version of the AP6212 WiFi+Bluetooth module, which is physically labelled as AP6212A. This new module apparently requires different drivers to operate. From my own experience, I was unable to get the internal WiFi module to work on a Nano Pi Neo Air (with AP6212A) using any of the Armbian distributions. However, I was able to get WiFi to work on that board with the Friendly Arm distribution at from https://www.mediafire.com/folder/sr5d0qpz774cs/NanoPi-NEO_Air#oc15bwqbuxgxe. I just received a second Nano Pi Neo Air from a different vendor, and this one was apparently one of the older boards because it came without a wifi antenna, and the WiFi module was labeled AP6212. The internal WiFi on this board worked perfectly with the legacy Armbian distribution for the Nano Pi Neo Air. I've seen elsewhere that there has been some trouble getting WiFi to work with the Orange Pi Zero Plus 2, and I suspect it is because of the change in the WiFi module. I personally know nothing of how to change or compile WiFi drivers, but would comparing the drivers in the Friendly Arm distribution help?
  11. Thanks very much for the info. I am attaching armhwinfo.log. The wifi module is labeled as follows: AP6212A W3112005 1706 I think the board is V2, if the version number is located above "NanoPi Neo Air" under the eMMC. Hope this helps figure out what is going on. armhwinfo.zip
  12. Hi, question here. It is quite interesting, Is it possible to get FM working on this chip AP6212A?
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