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  1. Hi, There is a fresh new install. armbian-config fails with a message "There are no targets. Please check your drives". BOARD=nanopineo BOARD_NAME="NanoPi Neo" BOARDFAMILY=sun8i VERSION=5.65 LINUXFAMILY=sunxi BRANCH=next ARCH=arm IMAGE_TYPE=stable BOARD_TYPE=conf INITRD_ARCH=arm KERNEL_IMAGE_TYPE=zImage System diagnosis http://ix.io/1sm3
  2. I'm having trouble porting some WiringPi programs to my NanoPi Neo. I have an original neo v1.0 running the latest armbian stretch (as of Oct 04 2018). Have tried several, including mstroh76/WiringNP, and can compile, but programs hang when executed. I'm okay if this is the deep-end of the pool but I wanted to verify that I an indeed in deep waters or if I'm doing something dumb and really in the shallow waters and all I have to do is stand up to get my head out of the water. Which WiringPi library should I be using for C language programs on a NanoPi NEO v1.0 running a recent Armbina Stretch release?
  3. I'm using a NanoPI NEO (v1.31 Lite, 512M RAM) which has an Allwinner H3 cpu; running Armbian Stretch from here: https://www.armbian.com/nanopi-neo/ When changing the init system from the default systemd to sysV init as described at http://without-systemd.org/wiki/index.php/How_to_remove_systemd_from_a_Debian_Stretch_installation on the next boot, the boot process freezes. Installing the package sysvinit-core conflicts with systemd-sysv, depending on which resolution I choose (install systemd-shim and some libraries, or remove systemd-sysv and NetworkManager), the boot process freezes at one of the following 3 lines: [....] Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd. ok [....] Setting sysfs variables.... ok [....] Starting network connection manager: NetworkManager. ok As this is after the bootloader, the initramfs, the kernel and the init process, I'm not sure on how to fix this. I tried the process of flashing, apt update/upgrade and install sysvinit-core several times, the freezes are always there. Any ideas on what to try, how to avoid the freezes or how to fix this?
  4. Checking in... NanoPi-NEO v.1.31 with the OLED hat... need to be a bit specific as there are multiple HW revs of the NEO - v1.2 and later moved from LDO to a DC/DC regulator, so info from 1.0/1.1 might not be accurate these days - still sorting out the regulator in use, as there are a couple of options with Allwinner H3 there. I think it's the SY8113B, but hard to tell... Testing with Armbian 5.61 vs. FriendlyArm's 4.14.52 build for their OLED hat (I'd source a direct link, but they have two source - baidu and google drive) -- The friendlyarm image is pretty good with temps on the 4.14.52 kernel, typically around 31-33c idle, and I've not seen temps above 46c under load. the friendly arm image - the Clocks are pretty conservative - max cpu is 1.0GHz... I'm assuming that mem is at 432 defaults from allwinner bsp tinymembench... standard memcpy : 448.1 MB/s (2.9%) standard memset : 1448.4 MB/s (2.5%) (note - the NEO is well heat-sinked with the provided hs, and it's in a metal closure - it's the cute little item from friendlyarm... so one has the plate HS and the housing) My concern - armbian 5.61 ubuntu idles at 42c in the same scenario... it's the 10 degree difference that's interesting in idle state. subjectively - one can feel the housing warmer with the armbian 5.61 image running - but subjective results are never good... Looking into this, not sure which numbers to trust there - did friendlyarm pull in the dvfs changes? are they levering into the AR100 system manager block? Comment - as soon as one gets into AR100 - it's a blackbox blob - so some concerns there obviously as it's a system manager as such, perhaps better than superuser privs I'm assuming that current Allwinner armbian mainline pulls in the linux upstream here so some of the dvfs items haven't been pushed and accepted there. thoughts?
  5. Hi, After installing latest version of Armbian 5.59 Stretch, I found that CPU temperature was shooting up too high, and I figured out that the GPIOL6 controlling the VDD_CPUX between 1.1V and 1.3V is not set properly as a result the Pullup resistor R455 is holding the FET gate always high and it is always running by default at 1.3V, even though scaling_max_freq was set 912MHz. After manually switching the GPIO to OUTPUT_LOW the temperatures aren't going that high anymore. Just thought the DEVs should know. Thanks
  6. Hi there, I got some NanoPi-NEO running and need to update the kernel, modules and dtb's. With 4.18 the Ethernet does not seem to get started correctly. I noticed a change in u-boot and the newer Armbian releases have Ethernet-Support in u-boot. So my basic idea is to not just copy the kernel files but also update u-boot via dd command. I suppose there are at least 3 regions in the image: 1. the partition table which I don't want to change. 2. the u-boot configuration which I'd like to keep. 3. the u-boot runtime. So for #2 and #3 I'll need an image file. I'm trying to set-up a build environment for Armbian but what I'm probably missing is the offset and count parameters for dd. Is there some kind of "HowTo update u-boot for H3" somewhere? Thanks for your help.
  7. Hi, Please see my comments in the other thread: Essentially when booting a Neo Core using the current air/core mainline image, the onboard fast ethernet is not being initialised. At a guess its because this is not included in the device tree (dtb/dts) for the nano pi air image or in uBoot config - however, if the image is to serve both boards it almost needs to - or they need to be separated. Both are probably reasonable options. Right now i'm trying to understand where the board defs for ethernet are collected during the image build using the armbian build environment and try and get a functional image with fast ethernet for the core, with eMMC support (the big difference). As per the other thread there was a difference in the Uboot config via the nano pi neo and the nano pi air, where the neo image initializes ethernet I built the following patch: diff --git a/configs/nanopi_neo_air_defconfig b/configs/nanopi_neo_air_defconfig index 11eb3ab13b..9f83068dd7 100644 --- a/configs/nanopi_neo_air_defconfig +++ b/configs/nanopi_neo_air_defconfig @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ # CONFIG_SPL_DOS_PARTITION is not set # CONFIG_SPL_ISO_PARTITION is not set # CONFIG_SPL_EFI_PARTITION is not set +CONFIG_SUN8I_EMAC=y CONFIG_USB_EHCI_HCD=y CONFIG_SYS_USB_EVENT_POLL_VIA_INT_QUEUE=y CONFIG_MMC_SUNXI_SLOT_EXTRA=2 And ran through build, even though the patch applies successfully there is still no init - what am I missing? Thanks
  8. I have installed "Armbian_5.54.180727_Nanopineo_Debian_stretch_next_4.17.11" in the eMMC..My doubt is always boot from eMMC, If blank sd card is inserted in the slot.
  9. Hi. I have received my new Neo Core and would like to flash my image to eMMC. I tried nand-sata-install but it says there is no target. On the Friendly Arm site they have a utility called eflasher, but I think this does not support Armbian. Is there a way to do it or a guide that I have missed? Thanks. J.
  10. Hi all, First of all, I must congratulate the Armbian team for such an amazing job! It is really terrific! I'm using Armbian on a NanoPi Neo where I'm running an application that relies on having low latency UART responses. My application is having a latency of around 10ms and I believe that it might be related to the tick rate defined in the Armbian kernel (http://www.makelinux.net/books/lkd2/ch10lev1sec2). I would like to increase the tick rate, however, I got a little lost when I tried to browse the Armbian repository. I couldn't find the actual Linux Kernel source code. In order to increase the tick rate I need to edit the file /include/asm-"architecture"/param.h and change the #define HZ to whatever I want. Then I just need to recompile the kernel and run. So my questions are: 1) Where can I find this in the Armbian repository 2) Is there an easy way to recompile the kernel after the modification is made? I looked at the docs for Armbian and it seems that the process is pretty much automatized, which makes me wonder if I can go through the same process even after making modifications to the kernel. 3) After having the binary kernel compiled, how do I "deploy" it in my NanoPi Neo SD Card? Thanks!!!
  11. I have a NanoPi Neo Core with eMMC..I have installed armbian os from "https://www.armbian.com/nanopi-neo/" to sd card and tried the "Armbian configuration utility" and "nand-sata-install" to install os to eMMC. But it is showing "there are no targets..please check your drives."..If we give "fdisk -l" command it is not detecting the eMMC. How to solve this issue??
  12. Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am working on a project for which I use a Nanopi Neo Core with its mini shield. With this mini shield I encountered some problems. The first problem is when I want to know the IP address for an Ethernet connection I got the following answer: pi@nanopiair:~$ sudo ifconfig lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536 inet netmask inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host> loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback) RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 I have this problem only with the Armbian kernel while with that of FriendlyElec it works properly. In my case of use I need a Debian kernel. The second problem is that when I connected a wifi dongle to my mini shield and I tried to connect in SSH I can’t do it. I created an empty file in / boot called SSH and I checked that SSH is enabled but this problem still persists. The error message is as follows: Server unexpectedly closed network connection. For handling the Nanopi I use the USB-UART adapter, so the configuration interface launched with the command "sudo armbian-config" does not display correctly to better check my configurations. Can you help me solve these problems please? I thank you in advance.
  13. Hi @all, I currently try to build a door-opener with a NanoPi Neo and a MFRC522 Rfid-Module. Unfortunately I don't get the SPI working. I loaded the newest Armbian-Debian from the Website: uname -r = 4.14.18-sunxi and downloaded the SPI-library for NanoPi: https://github.com/wertyzp/WiringNP By using armbian-config I activated "pwm", "sei-add-cs1", "spi-jedec-nor" and "spi-spidev". The problem: If I try to activate SPI with gpio load spi I get the following error-message: modprobe: FATAL: Module spi-sun7i not found in directory /lib/modules/4.14.18-sunxi gpio: Unable to load spi-sun7i So it seems that wiringNp doesn't use "spi-dev" but "spi-sun7i" and I tried to install it from source from: https://github.com/OLIMEX/OLINUXINO/blob/master/SOFTWARE/A20/A20-build-3.4.90/spi-sun7i.c Unfortunately I can't find out how to write the Makefile so that I can compile the .ko-file and install the driver. Can you help me writing the Makefile or have another idea how I could solve the problem? Thanks in advance and greetings, Latze
  14. Hello everybody! Can I read data from the RFID-MFRC522 module with my NanoPi, if so, tell me what python libraries are in Armbian or will it be necessary to install an official ROM and work through RPi.GPIO?
  15. Hi! Sorry if it is already covered but I didn't find a complete answer on the subject on the forum... So I have activated the uart3 overlay and enable CTS and RTS on an own-build Armbian 5.27 dev flavor for my NanoPi NEO Air. But I was unable to get the AP6212 Bluetooth working, I've try some infos/commands found elsewhere without any luck My question: Is Bluetooth on Nanopi NEO Air (or any H3 board with AP6212) still WIP on Armbian? Thanks. Emmanuel.
  16. We are in the process of migrating from NanoPI NEO's to NanoPI NEO Core's as part of that we are moving to mainline NEO Air / NEO Core images. I noticed that audio playback is soft / fades in at the start of the file. This only seems to occur on mainline images. Thoughts?
  17. Guest

    Out Of Mmm

    Hi All, I have some freeze behaviour when trying to update nano pi neo 256M. Apr 28 03:39:52 armbian kernel: [81490.237968] Out of memory: Kill process 18786 (apt-updates) score 55 or sacrifice child Apr 28 03:39:52 armbian kernel: [81490.237989] Killed process 18786 (apt-updates) total-vm:42264kB, anon-rss:32336kB, file-rss:0kB In normal state the swap seems to be ok I did "free -m" about 33% max of memory use in normal time "df -h" show to 71% use max of sd card But when apt-get update, it slow down boards when it arrives at 97%..... sometimes at 73%
  18. Hi i did some comparison of NanoPi NEO Kernel 3.4 (Jessie) and kernel 4.4 (Stretch). - Looks like the temperature limit controlling of 4.4 is not working as good as 3.4 (on 4.4 Kernel the CPU reaches more than 85 °C!) - GPIO (wiringPi) has less performance (-4%) - SPI has better performance (10%) - CPU performance is ~6% better (nbench, maybe the newer compiler) - consumption is besser on Kernel 3.4, especially on halt state I did a fork for wiringpi Library to make it work on Armbian Jessie and Stretch https://github.com/mstroh76/WiringNP (so far only for NEO)
  19. If I open the image file for NanoPi NEO, I don't see the FAT32 boot partition. > fdisk -l Armbian_5.38_Nanopineo_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.14.14.img Medium Armbian_5.38_Nanopineo_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.14.14.img: 1,4 GiB, 1488977920 Bytes, 2908160 Sektoren Einheiten: sectors von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes Sektorengröße (logisch/physisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes I/O Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes Typ der Medienbezeichnung: dos Medienkennung: 0xbcf97591 Gerät Boot Start Ende Sektoren Größe Id Typ Armbian_5.38_Nanopineo_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.14.14.img1 8192 2908159 2899968 1,4G 83 Linux If I flash the image on sd card I can't boot with it.
  20. In the 3.4 Kernel I could call: rmmod dhd modprobe dhd op_mode=2 To set the wifi module to Access Point mode. But with the latest Kernel 4.14(?) neither of these modules exist. Does anyone know what the equivalent of this code would be for 4.14, or some other way to enable AP mode?
  21. Hello, I have NanoPi Neo and I cannot make ds18b20 to work, it does not show in the devices folder. On armbianmonitor it writes: http://sprunge.us/fdjC On lsmod: Module Size Used by sunxi_cir 1601 0 w1_therm 2498 0 wire 18294 1 w1_therm gpio_sunxi 8269 0
  22. Hi, I met another weird issue: I tried to setup a static IP address for my NanoPi NEO, which should actually bundle the NanoPI NEO's GigE MAC address and the static IP. Whenever I reboot the NanoPI NEO, its GigE MAC address changes, and an random IP address is automatically allocated, via DHCP. I mean, the previous MAC address did bundle to the static IP address that I allocated. However, there always exists a 2nd HOST name NanoPINEO which has a NEW MAC address and is allocated to a NEW IP address automatically. I'm not sure if this is an issue of the latest kernel I've just built? Or it is an issue of the FriendlyARM BSP for AllWinner H3 ? I posted the question on armbiam, FriendlyARM and AllWinner H3. About the current NanoPiNEO (I'm still able to ssh into the random allocated IP address): Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.38 stable Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 4.14.16-sunxi System load: 0.10 0.03 0.01 Up time: 2:53 hours Memory usage: 11 % of 240MB IP: CPU temp: 40°C Usage of /: 16% of 15G Last login: Sat Feb 3 10:16:26 2018 from jiapei@nanopineo:~$ uname -a Linux nanopineo 4.14.16-sunxi #1 SMP Thu Feb 1 14:17:29 CST 2018 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux jiapei@nanopineo:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS Release: 16.04 Codename: xenial jiapei@nanopineo:~$ ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 7e:f0:16:00:3c:a7 (**this MAC address changes**) inet addr: (this IP address changes randomly as well) Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::ad9e:7328:d3ae:8681/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:9133 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:2356 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:3621111 (3.6 MB) TX bytes:194164 (194.1 KB) Interrupt:33 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:44 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:44 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:4043 (4.0 KB) TX bytes:4043 (4.0 KB) jiapei@nanopineo:~$
  23. ARMBIAN 5.38 stable Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 3.4.113-sun8i Shows: Bus 004 Device 002: ID 148f:7601 Ralink Technology, Corp. MT7601U Wireless Adapter But ifconfig -a show only eth0 adapter. No ra0 link I've tried sudo apt-add-repository ppa:thopiekar/mt7601 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mt7601-sta-dkms But still no results.
  24. Hi, i am actually a bit confused. I thought that a NanoPi Neo V1.0! which is set to 1200Mhz Clockspeed, enabled USB and enabled GPU should burn a additonal 1A (fast) Fuse while doing a 100% Stresstest. It doesn't. Just get more speed and heat... I added an additional Wlan Stick for more powerconsumption... but this doesn't help either. In my opinion and the always stated "on 912Mhz" max 2 Watts... it should kill the 1A on 1200Mhz no? 5V 2W = 1A ... I do a small cluster here and i want to save the GND Rail for shortage to save the other nodes if one Node is melted down and cause shortage. I thought a 1A Fuse has to burn up... but reality is kicking my a** actually. Would be great to get a hint... whats going wrong here. Thank you!
  25. Hi all. I've been struggling for several days to establish an internet connection via enc28j60 (Ethernet to SPI device) on my Nano Pi NEO Air, running Armbian 5.27, kernel 4.11.3. I have this custom DTS file added to my armbianEnv.txt, with two small modifications regarding the interrupt pin (apparently, PA7 is not available on Nano Pi NEO Air). I have pins = "A17"; ... interrupts = <0 17 2>; instead of pins = "PA7"; ... interrupts = <0 7 2>; The DT stuff is correctly loaded during boot, and an eth0 interface shows up (initially with random MAC address upon every reboot, but it's fixed now). However, only the orange light on the enc28j60 blinks - the green one just sits still (powered on). And there is no internet connection, despite the fact that "nmcli d" tells otherwise. The only occurrences of "spi" on dmesg are the following: [ 4.369613] enc28j60 spi0.0: enc28j60 Ethernet driver 1.02 loaded [ 4.373744] enc28j60 spi0.0: enc28j60 chip not found [ 4.373829] enc28j60: probe of spi0.0 failed with error -5 This readme file suggests that enc28j60 overlay "may require activating the SPI bus device is connected to by a kernel provided overlays (i.e. overlays=spi0)", however I could not find spi0 overlay for H3 devices. Other than that, I'm confident the hardware connections are correct. Am I missing anything obvious? Or maybe my Armbian version is outdated? How can I connect my Nano Pi NEO Air to the internet via ethernet?
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