
- Access to an exclusive dark forum theme
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- Forum badge:

Community Supporter

Community Hero
- Access to an exclusive dark forum theme
- Remove red-lettered banners
- Forum badge:

Armbian Silver Partner
Armbian Silver Partner
- Access to an exclusive dark forum theme
- Remove red-lettered banners
Promote your product and brand:
- Silver Partner Forum badge
- Promote your brand on our Partners page
- confident communication via private support forum

Armbian Gold Partner
Armbian Gold Partner
- Access to an exclusive dark forum theme
- Remove red-lettered banners
Promote your product and brand:
Gold Partner forum badge
Promote your brand on our Partners page
- confident communication via private support forum
Access to Armbian development services *
- Reduced cost of consultations
- Reduced hourly rate - discounted from standard hourly rate
* Requires separate estimate / contract / retainer

Armbian Platinum Partner
Armbian Platinum Partner
- Access to an exclusive dark forum theme
- Remove red-lettered banners
Promote your product and brand:
Platinum Partner forum badge
Promote your brand on our Partners page
Organize a giveaway for each board type supplied for development
Officially supported Armbian CLI and / or desktop images for download from supported section on the Armbian site
- confident communication via private support forum
Access to Armbian development services *
- Basic consultations included for free
Further reduced hourly rate - discounted from standard hourly rate
(special reduced rate for Platinum Partners)
* Requires separate estimate / contract / retainer
Notice: You can not subscribe to this tier on our site, please contact us if interested!