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Found 8 results

  1. Hello, here with a Radxa Rock 5 ITX I experience endless loading at reboot after some system upgrades... But not always. Am I doing something wrong by using the command reboot from ssh ? instead of shutdown and power up ? In that case the system loads to rescue mode, asking for the root password and even if entered correctly does not identify. All comes back to working state with a shutdown and a reboot. Notice : I've made a donation to support the team. Please help.
  2. Hi, this week my Rock 5 ITX+ board arrived and I started installing Armbian with vendor kernel (now on 6.1.99-vendor-rk35xx). This board has slightly different hardware than the original ITX. It has two M.2 M-key (2-lanes) instead of one M.2 M-key and four SATA ports. I think because of the different hardware configuration the DTB has to be changed as no SATA controller is present on the board. With the ITX DTB I am experiencing problems with not regonizing NVME disks when activating ASPM in armbianEnv.txt. I have no experience in editing DTBs or applying patches, so I need help to figure out what to do to make things work. armbianmonitor log: https://paste.next.armbian.com/asoxunogeg Thanks Thomas
  3. I installed Debian 12 (Bookworm)XFCE from the official Armbian website onto the NVME SSD of the board. Everything works fine except the 4 hard drives that are connected to boards SATA connectors. They do appear and work when i boot into the Debian provided by Radxa, so I know hardware isn't an issue. I think that they also worked during the very first boot of the system but after ``` apt update && apt upgrade ``` and reboot, they stop working. Any advice would be much appreciated. ``` rock-5-itx:~$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS mtdblock0 31:0 0 16M 0 disk mmcblk0 179:0 0 7.3G 0 disk mmcblk0boot0 179:32 0 4M 1 disk mmcblk0boot1 179:64 0 4M 1 disk zram0 252:0 0 11.6G 0 disk [SWAP] zram1 252:1 0 50M 0 disk /var/log zram2 252:2 0 0B 0 disk nvme0n1 259:0 0 476.9G 0 disk └─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 472.1G 0 part /var/log.hdd / ``` https://paste.armbian.com/qiwimusofo
  4. I I'm getting a 502 Bad gateway when I'm trying to run apt update on the http://apt.armbian.com/dists/noble/InRelease repository. I checked the forum and didn't see a server maintenance notice. And the arbianmonitor seems to fail to post the report too. Is there an infrastructure problem?
  5. I'm using a Rock 5 ITX and noticed after installing the latest rk35xx kernel image (6.1.84-vendor-rk35xx) that my system wasn't booting. So I connected to the debug console and observed a kernel oops being emitted. It dumps out a few pages of data, but the initial messages and call trace are: I have all the hex data if someone would use it but it doesn't seem worth including here. The boot flounders around in systemd for a bit but never gets to a login prompt - and I'm not that savvy with uboot to enter single user mode or otherwise dig in more. So I reinstalled from nothing, upgraded all my packages (including the vendor-rk35xx kernel), rebooted, and everything was ok - until I installed zfs-dkms and built the zfs module and rebooted - at which time I got back into the same busted position. And that's where I am now. I suppose I could go without zfs but I've been using it for a couple decades now and prefer it over the alternatives. As I'm not doing anything critical with this system yet, I don't mind futzing around and providing data or otherwise helping to debug what's up. At least for a few days. It does run my jellyfin instance, but I have plex running on another system so I'm too put out. A few months ago something similar (but different!) occurred after a rk35xx kernel upgrade but in that case, the system would at least boot to a login prompt eventually where I was able to downgrade the kernel and get it working again - and then the next version of the package fixed the problem. But in this case, it is effectively bricking the system for me (I'm sure someone that knows more about uboot could interrupt the boot and maybe recover things) to where I just reinstall - but that's not a good way to iterate and test fixes. I run the rk35xx vendor kernel because jellyfin has support for hardware transcoding when using that kernel - and as far as I know it does not when running against mainline - but this vendor kernel seems to be... less than stable! Any advice?
  6. Hi, I can not get the back panel audio working, the HDMI analog audio to my display works, but changing the output to Analog out is not working. Any suggestions as to where I can start to troubleshoot? Thanks!
  7. Hi there, I wanted to know if anyone know if there are any power limits from the SATA power ports, the question is can you power 1 or more 3.5" NAS disks at the same time? Or as a precaution, I take power from the PSU? Thanks, Dany
  8. Has anyone made (or bought!) an adapter that takes the 3 pin TTL-level console port and converts it to a DB9 or RJ45 port that can mount in a PCI bracket? If so, what did you use? And what port did you use to power it as the console port does not provide a 3.3V or 5.5V pin for power (there is a pin labeled "RSV" which seems to supply 5V and may be usable but I don't know its capabilities). I've done this before for other systems using these without too much trouble but when I tried with this board it's not working. Admittedly I haven't hooked it up to a scope to look at the signals, but I'm suspicious of the high baudrate being to blame. I have a couple USB adapters that work (so I know the console itself works), but I want to rackmount this box and wire it up to my console server. I need RS232 to do that.
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