TLDR; If you would like to help us test desktop pul requests, please let us know what device would work, and any additional preferences.
Desktop improvements really are another unique create. As you know we don't provide supported desktops, but we do make a like of nightlies, and there are contributors like @Rich Neese that really do a ton of work to make this stuff better. Another part of our improvement process is stronger peer review on pull requests before merging.
This means we really need to start testing desktop images at the pull requests level.... Which we can gladly build images for PRs, just need community members will to download image, install, test and provide feedback.
Idea is... get list of willing testers and their preferred devices. We can then produce images and link inside Pull Requests Like This. Then we can just @mention user to try and review within the github issue and comment.. Easy peasy. no git checkouts, building, etc.
if Interested please reply here with what you're willing to test, and github user id if you're comfortable. if not we can DM. thank you!