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I would like to add new resolution with this patch: https://github.com/FireflyTeam/armbian-build/blob/master/patch/kernel/sun8i-default/0026-h3-hdmi-additional-mode-800x480p-from-lobodis-initia.patch

But I need this parameter means:

in drivers/video/sunxi/disp2/hdmi/aw/hdmi_bsp_sun8iw7.c

vic              dclk, int, mx,     vst,    my,   mhbw, vfp,  mhfp, +x,    hbw,   hfp,    hst,    +y,   vbw,   h      v       h_pol   v_pol

in drivers/video/sunxi/disp2/hdmi/aw/hdmi_core.c

PCLK      x,       y,      HT,  HBP,  HFP, HS, VT, VBP    ,VFP  ,  VS,  h_pol, v_pol, int


I know pclk: pixel clock

            x: 1024


            HT: Horizontal Total

            VT: Vercital Total

            HS: Horizontal Sync

            VS: Vertical Sync

            HBP: Horizontal Back Porch

            VBP: Vertical Back Porch


            mx = x>>8
            my = y>>8
            mhbw = horizontal blanking width >> 8
            mhfp = horizontal front porch >> 8


But ı have no idea about other parameters.

Can someone say anything? I'm trying add 1024x600. And I'm using 3.4.113 legacy kernel. Armbian 5.89.


Thanks for replies,



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